TIME IS NON REFUNDABLE
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                                                        Time is non refundable. Let this time be a time of your transformation. Transform yourself.

Be a friend of your heart. Spend a while to make it feel all is well.
Be a friend of your mind. Spare sometime to prove it’s intelligence.
Be a friend of your body. Work with it to witness that it is fit and fine.
Be a friend of your knowledge. Read a book and make it worthy.
Be a friend of your wisdom. Meditate a while to allow it to increase.

                 Be a friend of your thoughts. Purify it with your self talk.
                 Be a friend of your words. Speak politely yet genuinely.
                 Be a friend of your deeds. Act gently yet kindly.
                 Be a friend of your books. Keep in touch with them.
                 Be a friend of your home. Make it a place for your happy stay.
                                                     Yes, time is non refundable.

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