Site icon Life Setter Saluja




1. Be quiet – when you’re really angry.

2. Be quiet – when you don’t have all the facts.

3. Be quiet – when you haven’t checked the story.

4. Be quiet – if your words might hurt someone weaker.

5. Be quiet – when it’s time to listen.

6. Be quiet – when you might disrespect something sacred.

7. Be quiet – when you want to joke about sin.

8. Be quiet – if you might regret what you say later.

9. Be quiet – if your words could be misunderstood.

10. Be quiet – if it’s none of your business.

11. Be quiet – when you feel like telling a lie.

12. Be quiet – if your words could harm someone’s reputation.

13. Be quiet – if your words might ruin a friendship.

14. Be quiet – when you’re feeling overly critical.

15. Be quiet – if you can’t speak calmly.

16. Be quiet – if your words would reflect badly on your loved ones.

17. Be quiet – if you might regret what you say later.

18. Be quiet – if you’ve already said it multiple times.

19. Be quiet – when tempted to flatter someone bad.

20. Be quiet – when you should be working instead.

“Whoever controls their words keeps themselves out of trouble.”


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