Journey together: the spirit will lead you; trust in the spirit and walk with love.

In the name of the Father——–

Let us set ourselves for this fourth week of advent prayer service through this reading.

Reading: Lk:1:26-38

Thank you Lord for this beautiful time where we are available for you. May your enkindling spirit lead us and may your enlightening spirit guide us during this prayer service. Invoking the abundant blessings of the Lord and pleading him to come into our hearts let us sing

HYMN: Advent hymn

Fourth week of Advent invites us to feel the warmth of the Lord as we are almost approaching Christmas. It is also welcoming us to imbibe the love of the Lord and to pass on this love to everyone. His divine love is poured upon in abundance during this advent season. God the creator not only took the form of human being but also planned to abide with us eternally. His birth in our midst is the sign of  His unconditional love and immeasurable mercy.

Fourth week of advent candle stands for love. Love is born for us yes, we remember this historical event as we are about to step into this celebration. Jesus’ love will take away all the fear from us and fill in turn with his courage. His love will vanish the darkness of selfish nature from us and give the hearts of understanding. His love will diminish the sinful nature from us and grant us the hearts of service. Light is the icon of illumination. Through its radiation it tries to explore a new life. This candle stands as angel’s candle. Angels bring the message of God, they accompany us in our journey, they uplift us in our weakness and they play a vital role of creating a strong bond between God and human.

Inviting the light of transformation with so much of love in our hearts let us light the candle of fourth week. I invite———-


Let our response be


1.Lord, help us to  make a room for you in our hearts so that you may be  able to come in the form of a child as you were in the manger. This would surely enlighten us that we belong to you and you alone.


2. May the preparation of Advent elevates our minds to love you more and more through which we may become worthy enough to give away your love on this earth.


3. Lord, inspire us to read your word intensely in order to inculcate your virtues which will make us to become the people of truthfulness and righteousness.


4. May this fourth week of advent encourage us to be engrossed in preparing ourselves as you wish to be and will to be. Strengthen us to be sincere in our journey.


Expressing our eagerness to the Lord and His coming let us sing


At this juncture of approaching Christmas we fondly remember our loving Mother Mary, who also awaited for the birth of Jesus. She tried to ponder every event in her heart and ready to attempt any extraordinary step to say yes to the Lord.  Mother Mary said yes to the will of God. Her simple words became as faithful words in her total surrender to God. She played an exemplary role to trade the incessant path towards holiness. From the moment she received the angelic words she kept herself receptive to give meaning to the words. Her outstanding nature of obeying the will of God created a new hope to the humanity. Her vibrant silence to the word of God and her contribution towards the path of redemption even today add meaning for our obedience to the Lord. Let us greet her and seek her unceasing intercessory blessing for all of us let us pray/ sing the angelus.


Passing for a while in silence let us pray for all the people preparing for the Lord’s arrival. May we all become spiritually worthy to celebrate this great coming of our Lord.

Offering all the people let us call upon the name of the Lord as we pray

Our father——–


Dear loving Lord we venerate you for this opportunity of coming together during this fourth week of Advent. We praise you Lord for the loving effort we each one put forth. Continue to encourage us to walk in the path of true light where peace and harmony able to embrace. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

















merry christmas








Christmas 4



[ We go in procession holding flowers, arathi plate, crown, garland ]

Christmas is all about that night when God came down into this dark and sinful world to offer himself in the form of human being. We recall the words of St. Paul in his letter to Philippians states that though he was in the form of God, he emptied himself and took the form of human. How happy are we to remember this God gifted event in the year 2023. Jesus is the divine gift of God to this entire human race for all eternity. Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

Christmas is the time to commemorate God’s unconditional love.

Christmas is the time to exuberate God’s manifold blessings.

Christmas is the time to jubilate God’s powerful intervention.

Christmas is the time to magnify God’s choicest blessings.

Christmas is the time to glorify God’s unfathomable grace.

As the people filled with so much of joy, happiness  and togetherness let us all enter into the chapel and greet our Baby Jesus with the Gloria.

[Kindly place the things and perform arathi  while we sing]


Dear friends, we have assembled here to celebrate the birth of our magnanimous leader’s birth day. The tradition of preparing the Christmas crib with a manger began in Italy. Ever since, through the centuries, this custom of preparing crib has continued. During Christmas, all prepare the Christmas crib and decorate their surroundings. Thus, the great love of God for humanity is celebrated, and the birth of Jesus in the poorest living conditions is recalled. Today, we too are around the crib, to reflect upon the great love of Jesus has for us and his identification with the poor, downtrodden, neglected and under privileged in society. The birth of Jesus was a turning point in human history—God becoming human. God became like one of us so that we may become like God. Let us listen to this Gospel passage where the narrative of Jesus’ birth is described.

READING: Lk: 2:6-14

This Christmas is something very special for all of us as we witness his birth in our life time. Immanuel-God with us is a divine gift for us. His birth bring tremendous confidence and trust to live our life in an extraordinary manner. His arrival on this earth adds much more meaning to lead a life with values and virtues. His coming amidst us signifies that we can fulfill the plan of God. His humble visit to this earth enhances our joy to sacrifice for the wellness of others. With the festive mood let us sing—


[Decorated lamps are arranged and placed after each prayer] Let us sing only the chorus as a response after every prayer.


1. Lord, we thank you for the angel Gabriel who brought  good news to Mother Mary. Mary was blessed with the words of Angel to bear a son, who will be the redeemer and Xavier. Angel played a role of mediator between God and human. Thanking the phenomenal role played by angel Gabriel, let us offer the light and sing


2. Lord, we bless you for the simple people who had welcomed you in the inn for your Son’s birth. The world could enjoy the divine presence of Jesus and nourish his values. Since the people agreed to give the manger to Mother Mary and St. Joseph, they were able to transform their family into  a holy family. Thanking the profound role played by the inn keeper let us offer the light and sing


3. Lord, we honor you for the star which showed the way towards the manger. On the awaited time the star too obeyed the will of God and transmitted the message of God with us. It led the Shepherds to pay honor to the Lord of the universe. Their journey was undoubtful because of the light. They received the baby Jesus on behalf of us, the human race. Thanking the illuminated heavenly host shown the way  let us offer the light and sing


4. Lord, we love you for the shepherds who acknowledged your words and travelled in haste to gaze Baby Jesus. Their thirst to see the Lord was fulfilled in their efforts to journey together towards the holy manger. Their simple nature of giving meaning to God’s revelation made them to witness the Lord face to face. Thanking the shepherds for their marvelous contribution let us offer the light and sing


5. Lord, we bless you for all the creatures whose presence too manifested the birth of Jesus. They too venerated the Lord in humble adoration. Their involvement in praising the Lord is truly amazing and mesmerizing. Thanking all the creatures let us offer the light and sing




This particular passage welcomes the entire humanity to know the WORD among us. Word became flesh and dwelt among us. It truly enlightens us to know not only the birth of Jesus but also the divine intervention and human encounter. Word of God is the main source to know God, to understand Him and follow Him. Word of God is the light to our path and it is the way and hope for the future. It creates a fidelity between human and God. Today it is fitting to pay our homage to WORD OF GOD which came down on earth by performing arathi and singing a hymn


Let our response be

May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow in our midst.

a. God the almighty, we remember all the leaders of our world that they all may enjoy good health of body and soul through which they may able to serve the people in a righteous way. Fill them with the abundant blessings of your peace and joy of this Christmas.


b. Lord the divine healer, we commit all the sick and suffering at your divine feet. May the joy and peace of Christmas envelope them so that they may experience your divine healing. Embrace them with your compassionate mercy and consolation.


c. Prince of peace, we devout all the people of this planet wherever disputes and disharmony prevail. Ensure them with your peace and joy of Christmas by which they may come out those evil practices and feel the presence of You the prince of peace.


d. Master of eternal wisdom, we offer all the students who are preparing for various board exams. Encourage them with your joy and peace of Christmas so that they all truly get the spirit of hard labor and come up with bright results. Let the slow learners be filled with your motive force.


e. God of liberation, we pray for all the people imprisoned with various reasons. Empower them with the peace and joy of Christmas and thereby they may be liberated from all the chains which hurdle the spirit of liberation in them. May your miraculous touch be upon them.


With our hearts filled with profound joy and peace and wishing the entire universe for the same let us sing



Christmas is joy and Christmas is love.

Christmas is peace and Christmas is hope.

Christmas is mercy and Christmas is compassion.

Christmas is unity and Christmas is purity.

Christmas is justice and Christmas is honesty.

Feeling blessed with your divine presence as a child Lord, we express our heartfelt glorification to you. Help us Lord to abide with you during this season of Word among us. Let our hearts be moved with your manifold grace. We make this prayer in your sweet name. Amen.






























                                                                                  ADVENT THIRD WEEK

                                                                                       PRAYER SERVICE

                                                                                      MESSAGE OF JOY

advent 3


Fill the earth with joy during this third advent week. Today is the day where the Lord had promised that we will be fulfilled with the spirit of joy. Advent season is the time of waiting, time of preparation, time of transformation and a time of joy. The entire week is an enriching , empowering and ensuring time for all of us. God the giver of all gifts, we truly believe that your divine presence always accompany us. We thank you for your amazing interventions in our life journey.

Mother Mary is an embodiment of humility. She played a significant role in fulfilling God’s word and His promises. At the beginning of this prayer service let us invite our Mother Mary to journey along with us as we greet her with the angelic words.


Let us pay heed to this reading taken from the book of Prophet Isaiah

READING: Is: 61: 1-2, 10-11

This passage brings good news to all of us. As the word of God through Prophet Isaiah entitle a detailed knowledge about the divine Saviour. He will rule this world with righteousness and justice. Imbibing this spirit of Isaiah let us light up the candle of joy which also refers the shepherd’s candle. I invite————


This third Sunday in the Advent season  is the time for joyful living. It is a  time for an authentic transformation. It also grabs our attention towards the tremendous power of total dependence on God. It also enhances our vision to be broaden and therefore our mission  to be widen.

This Gaudete Sunday reminds us of the joy that the world  will experience at the coming of Immanuel and this joy cannot be taken away by anyone. Immanuel God with us showers the hope of joy for which the entire universe was waiting. We no more to neither lament nor anxious about but to love to testimony the Lord’s arrival. Don’t we recall the Magnificat of Mother Mary at this juncture? Yes indeed. Let us continue to add some meaning for our waiting as we sing the Magnificat

HYMN:   Magnificat

During this week, season of advent reminds us to spread the message of joy to the world. We remember our people and pray for various needs. Let our response be

God of joy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all the people who sincerely cry for joyful living. Let their hearts’ desire be fulfilled by the grace of God. May their humble voice reach our Lord so that they too have a chance to live joyfully. Let us pray—–

Let us pray for all the administrative team of our Mother Church that they all may find  this season of Advent as  a time for immense  preparation of God’s kingdom. May they all take serious efforts to tread the path of tranquility. Let us pray—–

Let us pray for all the people who await for the celebration of Christmas that they all may have a thirst of understanding the concerns of the Church and the world. May the joy of the Lord be a motive force of their celebration. Let us pray——

Let us pray for all the people in prison suffering with adverse situations and difficulties, that they all may receive the blessing of consolation and comfort. Let the mercy and compassion of the Lord accompany them. Let us pray——-

To fill the earth with joy during this week let us invoke the Lord to come in our midst as we sing

HYMN: Come Immanuel come to save your people


Every season of Advent makes all of us to become the part takers of Jesus and and His footprints. Knowing our Lord is the gift of our faith journey. Let our strive towards the desire of receiving our Lord on the day of coming may come true. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.













Every Monday is a blessing, hope, dream and challenge.

images MONDAY

Monday is a magical and mesmerizing day. Do u agree?

Come let’s make it a magical and mesmerizing day.


For  some of us, Monday is just like moving a mountain from one location to another. Yes, it is true. You can simply move it. Make up your mind to do the task. Monday comes with its mesmerizing energy and magical power. If you are able to see the sunlight, feel the fresh air, taste the aroma and smell the fragrance of the environment, then  you can surely make it happen.

RE-SET your mind with the strong vibes that you are capable of achieving what you want to. You too can allow your mind to be at rest. Give a chance to plan before you execute. You are worthy enough to put the things in order. Don’t be stressed when things are messy. You can bring the things/ experience in a better order. RE-SET your mind.


For some of us, Monday is just like touching the sky with all your efforts. Yes, it is true. You can simply touch it. Know your strength to do the assignments. Monday comes with its mesmerizing and magical power. If you are able to read a bit, make some noise, walk a while and reach out your people then you can truly make it happen.

RE-START your mind with the true wisdom of uplifting your spirit. You too are able to find sometime to check yourself. You too have the right to enjoy every moment. Don’t be anxious when things are irritating. You can see the beauty in it after  a while. RE-START your mind.

RE-SET your mind set.

RE-ADJUST your daily schedule.

RE-STRAT your purposeful plan.

RE-FOCUS your valuable desire.

As many times as you need to RE-DO the above.






Lightbox with motivation words for self care, positive thinking, mental health, emotional wellness. Top view.




We all perspire to cherish good health.

We all wish to enjoy perfect health.

We all dream to attain super health.

We all strive to achieve sustainable health.

We all aspire to grab rocking health.

But for all these want of fervor, we need to maintain proper D–I–E–T. I believe you all concur with me. Allow me to speak a while about health.



Walking , jogging, fasting and sweating out through innumerable exercises will surely promise us that we will enjoy 100% health and away from all ailments. But most of the time it doesn’t work. Because  we show interest in balanced diet. We keep reminding ourselves about healthy diet. But internally something hurdles our health. Have a pause and ask D—id   I   E–at T–hat food item which I truly want to give up. ?


mental health

Meditation, prayer, yoga and asanas  throughout the day always ensure that we truly enjoy 100% mental health. But most of the time it doesn’t  happen.  Because we very keenly follow all those beautiful practices. We make sure that we have accomplished those soothing tasks. But internally something hinders our mental health. Have a pause and ask D–id I   E —at T–hat thought which I truly want to give up?



Chatting, dancing, listening music and friends always alert us that we sincerely nourish 100% psychological health. But most of the time it is not true. Because we promptly attempt all those amazing facts. We love to spare our valuable time for these purposes. We easily get into the mood of practicing it very seriously. But internally something stops our psychological health. Have a pause and ask D–id I  E–at T–hat worry which I surely want to get rid of?

Have a healthy day





                                                                              PRAYER SERVICE—— PEACE
advent 203


We the people of God, have come together to part take in the second week of Advent prayer service. With immense gratitude in our hearts come let us thank and praise the Lord almighty for His marvelous intervention in our life journey.  He had blessed us with another week of Advent where you and me able to spiritually prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus. Mother Mary very instrumentally played a role of making herself worthy enough to give shape to God’s plan and purpose. Her profound concurrence for the Word of God made her to be the model for all of us. From time immemorial she is the hope for all of us on the way to salvation. Therefore let us venerate her with the angelic word as we sing


Jesus our divine light,  we wish to illumine ourselves in order to spread peace on this earth. You have promised us that  we too can radiate the same love, peace and harmony in our midst by allowing ourselves to lit by your divine light.  Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second week of Advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related idea – peace – something we all need to think more about. Today, the Second Sunday of Advent we light the second candle, which is the symbol of PEACE. The candle’s name has its origins in the prophet Micah who prophesied Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. It is referred to as the Bethlehem Candle. As we light the candle of peace, let us commit all the people who all long to cherish Mental and Psychological peace and sing the hymn which was sung by St. Francis Assisi. I invite ————–to light the candle.

HYMN:                  Make me a channel of your peace

During this second week of Advent we are called to become the people of peace which was promised by our Lord. Recalling his promise and our fragile nature of going against of his word let us pray this psalm together.

Ps: 85: 9 -14

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and grant us your salvation. Help us to listen to John the Baptist as he cried in the wilderness ” Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”. We are called to not only prepare ourselves for his coming but also to prepare the way for the Lord, the way which leads to the redemption of the souls, the way which opens the room for fraternity, the way which opens up new possibilities, the way which creates new chances and the way which excels in peace. Let us literally pay heed to the cry of John the Baptist through this  gospel passage.

READING:                                            Mark 1:1-8

Second week of advent signifies that the Lord of peace will be born in this universe in and through me. In what way do we need to prepare ourselves? Does the peace which Jesus promised prevail in me?


Expressing our desire of preparation in a worthy manner and welcoming our Lord let us sing

HYMN:      Maranatha

Let our response be God of peace hear our prayer

1.                  Divine master, you being the Lord of the universe we adore you for your bountiful blessings. Help all the leaders of our Church and Nation to work for the welfare of the people in need of unity and loyalty. Make them to collaborate with the  people for their upliftment. Hear we pray—

2.                     God of life and love, we praise you for your mere presence amidst us. We remember and pray for all the people affected with natural calamity. Inspire the people to come forward to extend their support to these needy people. Stir up the society with your great understanding so that they may willingly serve the poor. Hear we pray——

3.                     Magnificent God, we love you for your manifold blessings and your abundant graces. We pray for all the people hoping to celebrate Christmas in a grand manner. May your spirit to enkindle them through which they may  take effective steps to give meaning for your son’s birth. Hear we pray——-

4.                     God the lover of peace, we bless you for this time of being present in your loving sanctuary. We pray for all the people striving for peace in the families, peace in the nation and peace in the planet. Mold everyone to give their ego, selfishness and individualism in order to create their families, nation and planet into a place of peace where your mere presence is experienced and enjoyed. Hear we pray—

Summing up all our prayers let us call upon the name of the Lord as we pray

Our father——-


Heavenly father, graciously accept everyone and our prayers. Open up a pathway in our midst so that your son may find a place in us. Eradicate the attitude of stubbornness from us so that we may be ever ready to change ourselves. Help us all to become the peacemakers through we and others may enjoy the assurance of peace. This we ask through Christ our Lord.

















                                                                            DIVINITY LOVES HUMILITY



We all love divinity but divinity loves humility. Because humility entitles the following aspects in us

  1. GENUINE LOVE:    It guarantees your identity of loving yourself and the universe with sincerity. It expects you to give your hundred percentage. You need to love yourself and others till it hurts you which means the aim of your love is to create an universe where lot of possibilities and tolerance evolve.


2.  SOLIDARITY WITH SACRIFICE:    It facilitates the quality of your values towards your surroundings. It enhances your attitude to             embrace the wellness of others. You automatically love to value your life for the welfare of this planet. It instills in you the             ambitious spirit of making this world a better place to breathe.

3.   ASSURANCE OF OPPORTUNITIES:  It promises an ambience to inculcate an enormous amount of trust towards you to the         people.   Just because of your assuring word to uplift, your assuring gesture of affection, your assuring deeds of kindness and your    assuring act of generosity. It ensures your willingness to pave a joyful path where peace and serenity bloom.

This is the secret of humility which even makes the divinity to love. If we truly long for divine     interaction in all our endeavor let us try to become HUMBLE. Yes, humility is the Godly / divinely quality.











                                The long awaited day has come. The preparation of Christmas is on. We the people of Christ love to make our hearts worthy enough to celebrate this day in a meaningful way. 

                                Advent is always a new beginning for the church and for each of us. It is a time for renewal, of growing in intimacy with Jesus. We look forward to and prepare for the Word being made flesh in our hearts so that truly he will be for us,  Emmanuel——–“God is with us”. Let this advent be a season of total surrender to God, by which we become the true messenger of Christmas. Let this advent be a season of our total transformation, through which we become the true commandos of peace and harmony. And also let this advent be a season of  constructing new community of God, by which His kingdom flourish on this earth.

                             Mary, the loving Mother of the
universe played a significant role in the mystery of God becoming human. We
feel blessed when we honor her at the beginning of our every prayer service.
What could be the best greeting other than the angelic words? She being the
author of receptivity made everything possible for God. Her genuine gesture of
accepting word of God reflected in her day to day life. She is the icon of
faithfulness in all generation. Let us venerate her by singing



Hymn  :
Mangalam Mangalam 

this first Sunday of Advent, as we prepare our hearts to commemorate baby
Jesus’ arrival as a precious and divine gift to the entire humanity, let us
elevate a sense of anticipation. Throughout this week we pray that HOPE would
rise up in our midst and it prevails forever.

                             Jesus promises his
vision which will be carried out by his followers as he invites us to be the light of
the world. He is the true source of light where peace and fraternity meet


Light is the symbol of divine presence. It not only dispels the darkness but
also illumines the soul. It elevates our minds to know the quality of light and
rejuvenates the hearts to embrace its radiance. Come let us light the first
candle of advent, the candle of hope. I invite ———–to light the

Hymn:  ————


                              Mother Mary had a hope that she
will be blessed with the great opportunity of becoming the tabernacle of God,
the divine child. Her total surrender to the Lord made her to say Yes. This
truly gives hope for all of us that we too can involve in the plan of
God.  With the same hope let us pray the

 Psalm 80: 2,3,15-19


                               People waited for
the Lord with hope to redeem them from slavery. They waited to see the Lord of
peace who will deliver them from problems. They longed to invite the Lord who
will give importance to the unwanted, ignored, side lined, forsaken and
neglected. They had an aspiration that the Immanuel will lead them towards the
path where justice flourishes and injustice perishes. Expressing our waiting as well let us sing

Hymn: Come Immanuel, come to —-


                          Let us pay heed to the reading taken from the Gospel of Mark

READING     Mark  13:33-37 

                          We too are called to
prepare our hearts with hope and to become the sharer of hope. This Gospel passage is the true challenge for us to become worthy to welcome our Lord. Let us pass for a while and personalize it .



                         Gathering the people of mother Church, let us all pray for the very gift of hope. Our response will be Lord , help us to seek your Kingdom

1. May the administrative team of our church find sufficient time to keep the people awake in order to keep themselves available for the Lord. We pray—

2. May all the consecrated people spend valuable time with the Lord through which they all may become the true messengers of God. We pray—–

3. May all the people suffering in the name of the Lord be strengthened so that they may bear witness and add glory to the Lord. We pray ——

4. May the poor and downtrodden be noticed by the leaders and take effective steps to free them from all the tragedy of poverty. We pray—-

5. May all of us part take in this advent prayer service all over the world prompt enough to have hope for the Lord with the hope of establishing God’s kingdom.


                  God the magnificent lover of people and giver of all goodness we thank and praise you for bringing us to participate in the first week advent prayer service. We honor you for your bountiful graces we receive during this season. Envelope us with the hope that will help us to read your words these days and ponder upon. Make us to pursue your love, your warmth as we step into the new journey of our preparation.  This prayer we commit in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 







AVvXsEiXO2kcBKY6F4oyk3CIsasH7r8fCxK8ww8zohuRIdvr5OMJ tLkK7zEvCYcFu00dVZjfszVIx TOfEwrJXJ8dpxRWdO8 PaIjyVqnWWC7T4RQQxpa9NqDbmIxJVCNSD1QdPdlECBMckC0okzrio 6f1W4b9o Md7RrwGWNVZv1fuHjaN
There is a season for sowing and a season for reaping. Self discipline helps you to sow on a right time and to reap on a right day. The price of self discipline is less than the cost of regret. Self discipline is the biggest investment for success in life. Invest your time : When you invest your time with self discipline you will never experience the pain of  losing your happiness. Because it makes sure that you grab your dream without fail. Invest your thoughts: When you invest your thoughts with self discipline you will truly enjoy innovative ideas and attain the realm of happiness. Because it will permeate your inner soul towards sustainable deeds. Invest your silence: When you invest your silence with self discipline you will become an anchor for yourself in the midst of adverse and confused situations. Because it will flow a series of  wellness. What kind of self discipline do I want to wish is That self discipline which attracts you to follow your heart, That self discipline which demands you to fight for your dreams, That self discipline which disturbs you to give up your weakness, That self discipline which triggers you to struggle for your ambition, That self discipline which creates an aspiration to accomplish your assignments, Yes, shall we start enjoying self discipline that is My discipline and YOUR DISCIPLINE



IMG 20191023 102118 1

Laughing through smile—– something very normal.

Laughing through jokes——something very meaningful.

Laughing through confidence—-something very magical.

Laughing through ignorance—-something very funny.

But, yes but——

Laughing through tears—–something very unusual yet acceptable.

Laughing through tears—–something very mysterious yet acceptable.

Laughing through tears—–something very abnormal yet acceptable.

Laughing through tears —–something very unnatural yet acceptable.

Laughing through tears—–something very unexpected yet acceptable.

Laughing through tears—–something very rare yet acceptable.

Why is it acceptable?

Laughing through tears is the reflection of someone’s emotion.

Laughing through tears is the expression of someone’s feeling.

Laughing through tears is the output of someone’s hidden story.

Laughing through tears is the outcome of someone’s unsung memory.

Laughing through tears is the manifestation of someone’s untold ambition.