Site icon Life Setter Saluja

We are the product of mega investments

                                 WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF MEGA INVESTMENTS
We are the product of mega investments
 As I am writing this message to you now, I do ask myself, did I invent these letters? Of course not.                                                                        They were the angels.
As you read this message right now, please ask yourself, did I invent the meaning of each word? Of course not.                                                            They were the angels.
As this message reached you right now, let’s ask ourselves, did we invent the communication pattern? Of course not.                                                       They were the angels.
As you comment on this message right now please ask once again, did I create the writing style? Of course not.                                                            They were the angels.
As I’m typing this message in this system, I ask repeatedly, Saluja do you have any contribution in inventing this system? Of course not.                 They were the angels.
If I want to ask and write about everything, my little knowledge is surely insufficient.
                  I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all angels. Do you also?
Come let us thank them by offering our caring, sharing, reading, writing, listening, daring, knowing and so on amidst our people.
                           WE ARE THE PRODUCT OF MEGA INVESTMENTS
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