When pencil is sharpened then its hidden talent is seen and utilized. In a way its duty is fulfilled by allowing itself to be sharpened.
Thank them yes, be thankful to all who hurt you. Because of them you come to know your inner strength. It is they who made you to face the challenges. They are the one by whom you could overcome your struggles. If they would have not hurt you, you would have not become strong, powerful and courageous. In order to mould yourself to this status and stature, they play a vital role.
When pencil is sharpened , the waste is used for various purposes specially by students. They make use of it to prepare different designs. It is used in art and craft activities.
Yes friends, let the words you utter, the deeds you perform be sharpened by useful ,creative and positive thoughts. Allow your thoughts to undergo a transformation, through which you will be able to create a new world where you can enjoy peace and harmony.
Be kind before you give words to your thoughts, because you cannot reframe after uttering. Make use of all your inner energy to bring qualitative words. Never bother for the quantity while speaking.
Say a word of thanks in the deep silence of your heart to all those who hurt you. Let them have a healthy life. Bless them as they played a tremendous role in your life and therefore you could take radical decisions. They truly are in need of your gratitude because through them you got a chance to discern and design your life. Thank those who hurt you.
Its true. But we are human beings unable to thank
But trying to understand
It's true….& It shows how strong you are…