TAKE SYMPATHY LEVEL UP   
                               Sympathy warns with love to show compassion to others. It demands to express deep concern towards nature. It invites us to make others happy. It challenges to take part in the suffering of our neighbour. 

                                                       LET’S HAVE A BREAK.

                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you feel tired.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you are misunderstood.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when your friend break promises.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when time doesn’t work.        

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                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you face failure.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when things go wrong.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when your beloved doesn’t respond. 
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you are left alone.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you are not respected. 
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when your voice is not heard.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when your feelings are not accepted.
                                   Show sympathy to yourself when you meet adverse conditions.

                              Showing sympathy to yourself  will enhance you to accept yourself very easily. It creates an atmosphere to understand you in a better way. It develops a conducive phase to make yourself worthy of being what you are. It enables you to know you humbly. It enriches you to come out of tensions and turmoil. It allows you to stand for yourself even when you are left alone for a good cause. 
                                             TAKE SYMPATHY LEVEL UP


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