

saint joseph 1





The feast of St. Joseph is the reason for our gathering. We are delighted to join with the intention of celebrating today’s feast of the unique icon of our mother church. Every celebration wraps with the bundle of excitement and enthusiasm. Today we are blessed to part take in the promise of our Lord. God has been so kind and genuine to each one of us by consecrating this day as a day of celebration. God, our loving father and mother, we truly praise you and bless you for your benevolent graces of making this day so divine and honored. It is the unconditional love of you dear Lord  brought us to your divine sanctuary to adore you with our humble efforts.

Celebration is the expression of God’s gift and invitation is the manifestation of His mercy. Let us begin this prayer service by performing arathi to St. Joseph and garlanding him.


Little definite information has come down to us about the  chosen soul who was to be, in God’s providence, the earthly guardian of Our Lady and the Foster-father of the Incarnate Word. All that is reliably known of this “just man” named Joseph is contained in the first two chapters of the Gospels of Sts Matthew and Luke.  Among such unproved claims must be classed the ancient tradition that Joseph was already a very old man when he married Mary.  With St Thomas Aquinas we may believe that at the time of the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel, young Mary and Joseph were merely affianced.

From the fact that there is no further reference to Joseph in the Bible after the finding of the boy Jesus in the temple, it has been reasonably inferred that he did not live to see the beginning of Our Lord’s public ministry. The date and place of his death and burial are unknown, but devotion has been shown to him since the earliest times;  and his cult has been steadily increasing in a marvelous manner.

St Teresa of Avila (Spain) chose St Joseph as the Patron of her reform of the Carmelite Order and her nuns were given the privilege in 1689 of keeping a feast honoring his patronage.

Joseph is, no doubt, the greatest and most beloved of all the saints of the Catholic Church next only to Mary. His greatness and that of Mary is measured by their closeness to Jesus Christ when he came to earth two millennia ago as the Word-Made- Flesh, the God-With-Us, to impart eternal life to all who believed in him. Little wonder then that Pope Pius IX, on 8 December 1870,  proclaimed Joseph the Patron Saint of the Universal Church.

The kingdom of Christ’s reign of grace on earth commenced the moment he was born a child of the Holy Family where Joseph was the least in personal worth, yet at the level of grace far greater than any human person except Mary. Rightly then, the Catholic Church, to use the words of Pope Pius IX, teaches that St Joseph has been designated by God as the master of his goods and of his household. In 1955 Pope Pius XII added the title, “Patron of workmen” . Great in the spirit, great in faith, St Joseph comes through as a man who heard the words of the living God – he listened to those words in silence, and became, as it were, the first witness of the Divine Mystery.

Let us praise God for this wonderful saint to our mother church by praying this psalm

PSALM   66 or 111

Let our praises be added through this hymn.

HYMN: —-

Let us pay heed to this reading

Rom 4:13,16-18,22 or any relevant reading

St. Joseph was not only a just man but also a man of serenity.  He lived an exemplary life. His efforts for the accomplishment of the redemptive work of the Trinitarian God, bears a true message even today. With his enormous support to the plan of God, he proved himself as a man of God’s message. His unwavering faith in God, made him to become a man of faith and hope in the providential care of God’s compassion. To follow his virtues let us all plead our Lord through this contemplation and also gather all our intercessory prayers.

[ An artificial tree will be placed , virtues with different designs will be fixed on the tree ]  while offering, the chorus is sung

[ Tune: Mother of God….. ]

Seeker of God, plead with your son

Pray for your children, Father most pure


” Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven ”

Dear St. Joseph, you made yourself poor in spirit so that you could inherit the heaven. Every moment of your life, God and His concerns were predominantly expressed. Your thoughts carried the image of God, your words carried the purposes of God and your deeds carried the mission of God. You are the true example of poor in spirit and therefore you invite us too embrace the kingdom of heaven. We bring before you all those who are working with humble hearts to transform this world into a place of heavenly kingdom.  Please intercede for all  those who are working  in mission stations. May their endeavor bear fruits in abundance. Let their strive towards God’s kingdom through the preaching and practicing of word of God make them to be contented. Remembering all the saints and praying for all the missionaries let us offer this symbol.


Seeker of God, plead with your son

Pray for your children, Father most pure


” Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted ”

Dear St. Joseph, you mourned when you could not understand the plan of God. After the annunciation, you obeyed to the voice of God in accepting mother Mary,  you collaborated with her,  thereby you found comfort and solace in the Lord. It was your initiative in silence to prepare yourself as a foster father of Jesus. Through your intercession we pray all those who mourn with various crisis and tensions. May they all understand that they will be comforted with the accompaniment of our Lord. May their cry be heard and answered. Remembering all of them and offering our prayers to all those who sincerely work for their relief.  May they all too get a chance to lead their life with a divine light. We offer this symbol.



“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”

Dear St. Joseph, your nature of accepting the word of God as it is made everyone to walk in the path of righteousness. Your meekness to own the image of God through your humble deeds is the venerable gesture on earth. Your attitude towards God’s kingdom made you worthy enough to praise you as an authentic follower of divine promises. Through your intercessory prayers we pray for all those who work with the people who suffer with various physical, mental and psychological ailments. May they all get involved in the healing ministry and try to strive for their blissful life. Praying for this intercession let us offer this symbol.



” Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled ”

Dear St. Joseph, your thirst for righteousness made you a man of holiness. You were hungry for the Lord and His salvific plan. You walked in the path of loyalty and justice. Your promptness to fulfill the divine plan was authentic and admirable. Your noble behavior to indulge in God’s active  and vibrant mission showed your dynamic contribution. Through your intercessory prayers we pray for all those who are suffering with the sicknesses of poverty and  unemployment.  Let all the people who can render their service for their upliftment work meticulously in order to bring harmony and fulfillment. Praying for this intercession let us offer this symbol.



” Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”

Dear St. Joseph, your nature of being silent and working vibrantly is the message for all of us. You created an ambience for the comfortable people around you. Your way of life is our strength and your sacrifice is our confident. Please intercede for all the people who work for peace in the society. We fondly remember all those who involved in prison ministry. May they all be strengthened by your prayers and all the prisoners be free of their suffering. Praying for this intercession let us offer this symbol.


” Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy”

Dear St. Joseph your ambition and attraction for the fulfillment of divine intervention on this planet make us also  to become ambitious in establishing God’s kingdom. Kindly intercede for all the Congregations, churches and all  institutions  who celebrate their feast days today, and also for all the sisters and brothers who celebrate their birth days and feast days. May your intercessory prayers help us to walk in the path of divine light more closely and witness God’s unconditional mercy. Praying for this intercession let us offer this symbol.


Remaining in deep silence for a while let us commit our prayers and petitions.

Jesus our divine master speaks to us through his divine promises. He walks with us through the assistance of holy angels and saints. Trusting in his wholistic support let us pray the universal prayer which is taught by our Lord himself.

Our father——

Kindly rise for the final prayer. We shall recite together.

Prayer to Saint Joseph

To you, O blessed Joseph,
do we come in our tribulation,
and having implored the help of your most holy Spouse,
we confidently invoke your patronage also.

Through that charity which bound you
to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God
and through the paternal love
with which you embraced the Child Jesus,
we humbly beg you graciously to regard the inheritance
which Jesus Christ has purchased by his Blood,
and with your power and strength to aid us in our necessities.

O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ;
O most loving father, ward off from us
every contagion of error and corrupting influence;
O our most mighty protector, be kind to us
and from heaven assist us in our struggle
with the power of darkness.

As once you rescued the Child Jesus from deadly peril,
so now protect God’s Holy Church
from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity;
shield, too, each one of us by your constant protection,
so that, supported by your example and your aid,
we may be able to live piously, to die in holiness,
and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven.


Final Hymn:



























our lady of sorrows





Mary the great personality of our mother church is the mother of us all. Mary, the mother of sorrows is the true model of God’s divine presence amidst us. She being the magnificent example of receptivity is an invitation towards redemption. As we gathered at the close of our gathering to venerate our loving mother Mary as per the tradition of our congregation, let us feel privileged to witness this Marian service. Let us greet her with the virtues we admire in her and draw inspiration from her. After every praise let us sing

Love you mother Mary [ holy virgin Mary]

** Mother most chaste you are the mother of true promises. We praise you for being the most respected mother of this universe. Let us sing

Love you mother Mary

** Mother most pure you are the mother of all holiness. We love you for your radical transformation in giving meaning to the word of God. We sing

Love you mother Mary.

** Mother most humble you are the mother of all humbleness. We bless you for your transcendent quality of attaining divinely motherhood. We sing

Love you mother Mary

** Mother most obedient you are the mother of all tranquility. We honour you for your tremendous effortless service to this humanity. We sing

Love you mother Mary

** Mother most genuine you are the mother of serenity. We venerate you for your readiness to fulfil the will of God. We sing

Love you mother Mary

Let us together honour our mother Mary through this hymn and we invite our dear ——– to garland to our dear mother of sorrows.


Reading from our directives

Article 85

We are invited by our Congregation to collaborate in the redemptive work of our Lord by radiating compassionate involvement with our brothers and sisters.

May our mother Mary who said yes to the Lord, help us also to say yes to empower women.

May our mother Mary who journeyed to protect child Jesus, help us also to protect the identity of girl children.

May our mother Mary who found Jesus in the temple, help us also to find the lost, abandoned and neglected in the society.

May our mother Mary who strengthened Jesus on the way to Calvery, help us also to encourage the powerless to get rid of their fragile nature.

May our mother Mary who stood at the foot of the cross, help us also to stand with the needy and strive to freed them from slavery.

May our mother Mary who embraced Jesus on her lap, help us also to embrace the children who lost the taste of life and to bring them back to new life.

May our mother Mary who awaited for the resurrection help us also to await and work for the resurrection of the poor people around.

Carrying all these promises and imploring our mother to accompany all of us to fulfil these promises let us venerate her by performing arathi and singing our congregational hymn.

Congregational hymn








Servites 17February 1

[Procession will begin from the entrance. A garland and two arathi plates will be carried. ]

A warm welcome for today’s prayer service.

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord.

Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Saints of the Lord, bless the Lord

All you hosts of the Lord, bless the Lord.

On this great day of celebrating the feast day of our seven holy founders, we are filled with profound joy and happiness.  In the beginning, Mother Mary was their chief architect of this new order which was founded on the humility of its members, built up by their mutual love and preserved by their poverty. Joining with all the members of our Servite order, come let us go in procession towards the Holy Sanctuary.

As we proceed, let us recite Hail Mary prayer after every response.

  1. Leader:  Dear St. Bonfilius, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.       All:   Hail Mary full of …………
  2. Leader:  Dear St. Alexis, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.            All:   Hail Mary full of …………
  3. Leader: Dear St. Manettus, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.       All:   Hail Mary full of …………
  4. Leader: Dear St. Amideus, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.        All:    Hail Mary full of …………
  5. Leader: Dear St. Hugh, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.              All:   Hail Mary full of …………
  6. Leader: Dear St. Sostene,  intercede for all the members of your Servite family.         All:  Hail Mary full of …………
  7. Leader: Dear St. Buonagiunta, intercede for all the members of your Servite family.  All:  Hail Mary full of …………
[ Let us garland our seven holy founders and perform arathi as we sing the angelus and ring the bell]

Today is the day of coming together as a community in commemorating our fraternity. This day signifies the tremendous contribution of our fore fathers to our mother Church and to this universe. They laid a legacy for community life, prayer, penance and silence. Ultimately they lived a heavenly life on this earth.

On the Feast of the Assumption in the year 1233, Our Blessed Mother appeared to the 7 members of a Florentine Confraternity named “Laudesi” (the “Praisers” of Mary) when they were at prayer and bade them withdraw into solitude. Accordingly, these young noblemen of the city, 2 of whom were married and 2 others widowed, after having settled their personal affairs and made adequate provision for their dependents, established themselves several miles north of the city on the secluded Monte Senario. Here Mary appeared to them again and showed them the black habit she desired them to wear in memory of her sorrow and desolation at the foot of the Cross and instructed them to found the “Ordo Fratrum Servorum Sanctae Mariae” (Order of Friar Servants of St Mary) under the rule of St Augustine of Hippo. They carried out these directives under the guidance of St Peter of Verona, O.P., devoting themselves to much prayer, penance and silence on the one hand and teaching, preaching and various ministerial activities on the other.

The new order grew with such astonishing rapidity that by the beginning of the 14th century the Servites numbered 10,000, housed in 100 monasteries and missions spread across every continent, including the sub-continent of India. A Second Order for cloistered nuns and a Third Order for active works of charity and education, were also founded towards the end of the 13th century, the latter by St Juliana Falconieri.

Let us all with immense gratitude venerate our Lord who called and embraced our seven holy founders by joining in this bhajan.


Living as a community is a blessing.

Living as a community in prayer is a grace.

Living as a community for one common goal is an opportunity.

Living as a community with one purpose is a call.

Living as a community in practicing penance is a virtue.

Living as a community with the devotion to blessed Mother Mary is a boon.

Remembering all the members of our Servite order and gathering all our richness,  let us cherish the essence of community life as we pray the Psalm 111.

PSALM 133 and 134

[ Seven stands are placed around the seven holy founders photo in order to place lighted lamps ]


We owe our deepest sense of gratitude to saint Bonfilius for the extremely supreme quality of trading the path for prayer life. He followed the invitation of the Lord and through the intense effort the community members could pray meaningfully and remained close to God forever. They submitted everything in prayer so that they could transform themselves into a torch bearers of prayer.

Let us pray:

We plead you dear saint Bonfilius, for entire Servite family that through your intercessory prayers we too become the true messengers of prayer. Like Mary may we all remain faithful to our prayer life and like Jesus may we all draw inspiration and strength through prayer. Accompany us in our journey that our life may bear witness to consecrated life through our prayer. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing  the chorus.

Chorus:  With joyful lips   P3


We humbly express our sincere thanks to saint Alexis for your contribution to build up the community. You made all to be together in prayer and lived  an exemplary life for bringing all under one common good. Your initiation to work together with the guidance of Mother Mary in mount Senario is a true inspiration for us to live our community life authentically.

Let us pray:

We pray to you St. Alexis, for all the communities of Servite order that we may all understand the real meaning of community life and proclaim the charism of our Congregation through our witnessing life. Help us when we fail to cooperate with our community members for the welfare of the society. Journey along with us, so that we, as a community will be able to read the word of God and walk accordingly. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3


We come before you dear St. Manettus, in appreciation for your involvement to encourage your brothers to grow in the virtue of penance very promptly. By following the foot steps of your divine master Jesus and blessed Mother of Sorrows you attracted everyone to taste the precious virtue of giving up our own interests, likes and desires in order to give a new face for monastic life.

Let us pray:

We pray to you dear St. Manettus, for all the members of our mother church and our Servite order that we all may experience the golden virtue of penance during this Lenten observance. May our hearts burn for the love of Jesus and thereby we will be able to give up our selfish nature and become the ardent followers of Christ with all our humility. Walk along with us specially so that we may ever draw inspiration from you and be away from our weaknesses. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing  the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3


We bless you dear St. Amideus, for your special interest to know the value of silence and making all your brothers to also experience its richness. We truly admire your total commitment in listening to the Lord and the people by giving up all your wavering words and imbibed the love of God in deep silence of your heart. It truly led other brothers to follow the life style of Mother of sorrows who pondered everything in her heart.

Let us pray:

We seek your intercessory prayers dear St. Amideus, for all the members of our Congregation that we may give more meaning for the gift of silence. Help us to listen to the voice of the Lord which will gradually lead to the path of Sacred silence. As you led all the brothers at mount Senario to know the Lord in silence and listen to the needs of the people in silence, help us also to seek the great power of silence and its effective impact. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing  the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3


We praise you dear St. Hugh for your specific way of collaborating with all the brothers at mount Senerio to practice the promise of poverty. We humbly honor your immense involvement in shaping the life of consecrated people through your simple way of obeying the holy will of the Lord by adding more meaning to religious life. You gave up your own way of living and tried your best to explore the life of poverty.

Let us pray:

We pray to you St. Hugh for all the benefactors that their selfless service will bear fruits in abundance. May their wonderful journey along with us,  be continued for the benevolent gift of God and  be continued for the blessings of the people. May your divine intercessory prayers be the source of charity, purity and sincerity. Kindly accompany all the benefactors as you accompanied all the brothers at mount Senerio to become the messengers of poverty. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3


We greet you dear St. Sostene for your ardent faith on the mantle care of our Mother Mary and the filial love you showed upon her. It was very vividly seen and radiated as you initiated all  to express a significant way of manifesting  your devotion to blessed mother. Your greatness was your love, your greatness was your attachment and your greatness was your closeness to Mother Mary.

Let us pray:

We plead your intercessory prayers dear St.Sostene  for all the young sisters of our Congregation and for eminent vocations. May your prayers help our young sisters to become the tabernacle of Jesus, our divine master. May you intercede for our Congregation so that it may be  blessed with numerous numbers of young girls joining in the company of showing our devotion to blessed mother. May you accompany all of us there by we become the strong pillars of empowering the young sisters and young girls. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing  the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3


We love you dear St. Buonagiunta for your promising nature of spiritual perfection. You showed the way to all to attain spiritual perfection. Your total commitment to the very life of simple nature, humility and so obedient to say yes for God’s call led all the people to understand and acknowledge the spiritual perfection. It indeed created an aspiration to all who came in contact with you all dear holy fathers.

Let us pray:

We seek your intercessory prayers dear St. Buonagiunta , for all the faithful of our mother Church that we all may remain loyal to our mother Church. May your prayers help us elevate our hearts and minds to thirst for spiritual perfection. Let our constant strive be towards the kingdom of God. Let all the faithful, give an attempt to know  the Lord of unconditional love and compassion. May all the faithful of the church testimony the graceful interventions of God the merciful father. For this we pray and offer this lighted lamp and sing  the chorus.

Chorus: With  joyful lips   P3

Recalling the oneness, togetherness, greatness and holiness of our seven holy founders in the name of the Lord and in the love of Mother Mary let us sing this hymn.


[ Prayer for all the faithful departed souls]

In 1240, seven noblemen of Florence mutually decided to withdraw from the city to a solitary place and lead lives as hermits on Monte Senario, especially venerating the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then they preached through the length and breadth of Tuscany, and founded the Order of Servites which in 1304 received the approval of the Holy See. They are venerated on this day which is said to be the day on which St Alexis Falconeiri, one of the seven, died, in the year 1310.

We observe a moment of deep silence in praying for all the departed Servite fathers, brothers, sisters and benefactors. May they all rest in peace and enjoy God’s heavenly abode.



Mother Mary was the mother of faith to our seven holy founders. In her they saw the real image of Jesus. She was their role model to live as fathers of prayer. From her they drew great inspiration to spend their entire life time for the Lord and with the Lord. Mother Mary as the super iconic personality for all its virtues and values, stands today as our ever admirable mother. Let us stand and sing together the Magnificat  and sprinkle flowers to her.












Journey together: the spirit will lead you; trust in the spirit and walk with love.

In the name of the Father——–

Let us set ourselves for this fourth week of advent prayer service through this reading.

Reading: Lk:1:26-38

Thank you Lord for this beautiful time where we are available for you. May your enkindling spirit lead us and may your enlightening spirit guide us during this prayer service. Invoking the abundant blessings of the Lord and pleading him to come into our hearts let us sing

HYMN: Advent hymn

Fourth week of Advent invites us to feel the warmth of the Lord as we are almost approaching Christmas. It is also welcoming us to imbibe the love of the Lord and to pass on this love to everyone. His divine love is poured upon in abundance during this advent season. God the creator not only took the form of human being but also planned to abide with us eternally. His birth in our midst is the sign of  His unconditional love and immeasurable mercy.

Fourth week of advent candle stands for love. Love is born for us yes, we remember this historical event as we are about to step into this celebration. Jesus’ love will take away all the fear from us and fill in turn with his courage. His love will vanish the darkness of selfish nature from us and give the hearts of understanding. His love will diminish the sinful nature from us and grant us the hearts of service. Light is the icon of illumination. Through its radiation it tries to explore a new life. This candle stands as angel’s candle. Angels bring the message of God, they accompany us in our journey, they uplift us in our weakness and they play a vital role of creating a strong bond between God and human.

Inviting the light of transformation with so much of love in our hearts let us light the candle of fourth week. I invite———-


Let our response be


1.Lord, help us to  make a room for you in our hearts so that you may be  able to come in the form of a child as you were in the manger. This would surely enlighten us that we belong to you and you alone.


2. May the preparation of Advent elevates our minds to love you more and more through which we may become worthy enough to give away your love on this earth.


3. Lord, inspire us to read your word intensely in order to inculcate your virtues which will make us to become the people of truthfulness and righteousness.


4. May this fourth week of advent encourage us to be engrossed in preparing ourselves as you wish to be and will to be. Strengthen us to be sincere in our journey.


Expressing our eagerness to the Lord and His coming let us sing


At this juncture of approaching Christmas we fondly remember our loving Mother Mary, who also awaited for the birth of Jesus. She tried to ponder every event in her heart and ready to attempt any extraordinary step to say yes to the Lord.  Mother Mary said yes to the will of God. Her simple words became as faithful words in her total surrender to God. She played an exemplary role to trade the incessant path towards holiness. From the moment she received the angelic words she kept herself receptive to give meaning to the words. Her outstanding nature of obeying the will of God created a new hope to the humanity. Her vibrant silence to the word of God and her contribution towards the path of redemption even today add meaning for our obedience to the Lord. Let us greet her and seek her unceasing intercessory blessing for all of us let us pray/ sing the angelus.


Passing for a while in silence let us pray for all the people preparing for the Lord’s arrival. May we all become spiritually worthy to celebrate this great coming of our Lord.

Offering all the people let us call upon the name of the Lord as we pray

Our father——–


Dear loving Lord we venerate you for this opportunity of coming together during this fourth week of Advent. We praise you Lord for the loving effort we each one put forth. Continue to encourage us to walk in the path of true light where peace and harmony able to embrace. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

















merry christmas








Christmas 4



[ We go in procession holding flowers, arathi plate, crown, garland ]

Christmas is all about that night when God came down into this dark and sinful world to offer himself in the form of human being. We recall the words of St. Paul in his letter to Philippians states that though he was in the form of God, he emptied himself and took the form of human. How happy are we to remember this God gifted event in the year 2023. Jesus is the divine gift of God to this entire human race for all eternity. Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

Christmas is the time to commemorate God’s unconditional love.

Christmas is the time to exuberate God’s manifold blessings.

Christmas is the time to jubilate God’s powerful intervention.

Christmas is the time to magnify God’s choicest blessings.

Christmas is the time to glorify God’s unfathomable grace.

As the people filled with so much of joy, happiness  and togetherness let us all enter into the chapel and greet our Baby Jesus with the Gloria.

[Kindly place the things and perform arathi  while we sing]


Dear friends, we have assembled here to celebrate the birth of our magnanimous leader’s birth day. The tradition of preparing the Christmas crib with a manger began in Italy. Ever since, through the centuries, this custom of preparing crib has continued. During Christmas, all prepare the Christmas crib and decorate their surroundings. Thus, the great love of God for humanity is celebrated, and the birth of Jesus in the poorest living conditions is recalled. Today, we too are around the crib, to reflect upon the great love of Jesus has for us and his identification with the poor, downtrodden, neglected and under privileged in society. The birth of Jesus was a turning point in human history—God becoming human. God became like one of us so that we may become like God. Let us listen to this Gospel passage where the narrative of Jesus’ birth is described.

READING: Lk: 2:6-14

This Christmas is something very special for all of us as we witness his birth in our life time. Immanuel-God with us is a divine gift for us. His birth bring tremendous confidence and trust to live our life in an extraordinary manner. His arrival on this earth adds much more meaning to lead a life with values and virtues. His coming amidst us signifies that we can fulfill the plan of God. His humble visit to this earth enhances our joy to sacrifice for the wellness of others. With the festive mood let us sing—


[Decorated lamps are arranged and placed after each prayer] Let us sing only the chorus as a response after every prayer.


1. Lord, we thank you for the angel Gabriel who brought  good news to Mother Mary. Mary was blessed with the words of Angel to bear a son, who will be the redeemer and Xavier. Angel played a role of mediator between God and human. Thanking the phenomenal role played by angel Gabriel, let us offer the light and sing


2. Lord, we bless you for the simple people who had welcomed you in the inn for your Son’s birth. The world could enjoy the divine presence of Jesus and nourish his values. Since the people agreed to give the manger to Mother Mary and St. Joseph, they were able to transform their family into  a holy family. Thanking the profound role played by the inn keeper let us offer the light and sing


3. Lord, we honor you for the star which showed the way towards the manger. On the awaited time the star too obeyed the will of God and transmitted the message of God with us. It led the Shepherds to pay honor to the Lord of the universe. Their journey was undoubtful because of the light. They received the baby Jesus on behalf of us, the human race. Thanking the illuminated heavenly host shown the way  let us offer the light and sing


4. Lord, we love you for the shepherds who acknowledged your words and travelled in haste to gaze Baby Jesus. Their thirst to see the Lord was fulfilled in their efforts to journey together towards the holy manger. Their simple nature of giving meaning to God’s revelation made them to witness the Lord face to face. Thanking the shepherds for their marvelous contribution let us offer the light and sing


5. Lord, we bless you for all the creatures whose presence too manifested the birth of Jesus. They too venerated the Lord in humble adoration. Their involvement in praising the Lord is truly amazing and mesmerizing. Thanking all the creatures let us offer the light and sing




This particular passage welcomes the entire humanity to know the WORD among us. Word became flesh and dwelt among us. It truly enlightens us to know not only the birth of Jesus but also the divine intervention and human encounter. Word of God is the main source to know God, to understand Him and follow Him. Word of God is the light to our path and it is the way and hope for the future. It creates a fidelity between human and God. Today it is fitting to pay our homage to WORD OF GOD which came down on earth by performing arathi and singing a hymn


Let our response be

May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow in our midst.

a. God the almighty, we remember all the leaders of our world that they all may enjoy good health of body and soul through which they may able to serve the people in a righteous way. Fill them with the abundant blessings of your peace and joy of this Christmas.


b. Lord the divine healer, we commit all the sick and suffering at your divine feet. May the joy and peace of Christmas envelope them so that they may experience your divine healing. Embrace them with your compassionate mercy and consolation.


c. Prince of peace, we devout all the people of this planet wherever disputes and disharmony prevail. Ensure them with your peace and joy of Christmas by which they may come out those evil practices and feel the presence of You the prince of peace.


d. Master of eternal wisdom, we offer all the students who are preparing for various board exams. Encourage them with your joy and peace of Christmas so that they all truly get the spirit of hard labor and come up with bright results. Let the slow learners be filled with your motive force.


e. God of liberation, we pray for all the people imprisoned with various reasons. Empower them with the peace and joy of Christmas and thereby they may be liberated from all the chains which hurdle the spirit of liberation in them. May your miraculous touch be upon them.


With our hearts filled with profound joy and peace and wishing the entire universe for the same let us sing



Christmas is joy and Christmas is love.

Christmas is peace and Christmas is hope.

Christmas is mercy and Christmas is compassion.

Christmas is unity and Christmas is purity.

Christmas is justice and Christmas is honesty.

Feeling blessed with your divine presence as a child Lord, we express our heartfelt glorification to you. Help us Lord to abide with you during this season of Word among us. Let our hearts be moved with your manifold grace. We make this prayer in your sweet name. Amen.






























                                                                                  ADVENT THIRD WEEK

                                                                                       PRAYER SERVICE

                                                                                      MESSAGE OF JOY

advent 3


Fill the earth with joy during this third advent week. Today is the day where the Lord had promised that we will be fulfilled with the spirit of joy. Advent season is the time of waiting, time of preparation, time of transformation and a time of joy. The entire week is an enriching , empowering and ensuring time for all of us. God the giver of all gifts, we truly believe that your divine presence always accompany us. We thank you for your amazing interventions in our life journey.

Mother Mary is an embodiment of humility. She played a significant role in fulfilling God’s word and His promises. At the beginning of this prayer service let us invite our Mother Mary to journey along with us as we greet her with the angelic words.


Let us pay heed to this reading taken from the book of Prophet Isaiah

READING: Is: 61: 1-2, 10-11

This passage brings good news to all of us. As the word of God through Prophet Isaiah entitle a detailed knowledge about the divine Saviour. He will rule this world with righteousness and justice. Imbibing this spirit of Isaiah let us light up the candle of joy which also refers the shepherd’s candle. I invite————


This third Sunday in the Advent season  is the time for joyful living. It is a  time for an authentic transformation. It also grabs our attention towards the tremendous power of total dependence on God. It also enhances our vision to be broaden and therefore our mission  to be widen.

This Gaudete Sunday reminds us of the joy that the world  will experience at the coming of Immanuel and this joy cannot be taken away by anyone. Immanuel God with us showers the hope of joy for which the entire universe was waiting. We no more to neither lament nor anxious about but to love to testimony the Lord’s arrival. Don’t we recall the Magnificat of Mother Mary at this juncture? Yes indeed. Let us continue to add some meaning for our waiting as we sing the Magnificat

HYMN:   Magnificat

During this week, season of advent reminds us to spread the message of joy to the world. We remember our people and pray for various needs. Let our response be

God of joy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all the people who sincerely cry for joyful living. Let their hearts’ desire be fulfilled by the grace of God. May their humble voice reach our Lord so that they too have a chance to live joyfully. Let us pray—–

Let us pray for all the administrative team of our Mother Church that they all may find  this season of Advent as  a time for immense  preparation of God’s kingdom. May they all take serious efforts to tread the path of tranquility. Let us pray—–

Let us pray for all the people who await for the celebration of Christmas that they all may have a thirst of understanding the concerns of the Church and the world. May the joy of the Lord be a motive force of their celebration. Let us pray——

Let us pray for all the people in prison suffering with adverse situations and difficulties, that they all may receive the blessing of consolation and comfort. Let the mercy and compassion of the Lord accompany them. Let us pray——-

To fill the earth with joy during this week let us invoke the Lord to come in our midst as we sing

HYMN: Come Immanuel come to save your people


Every season of Advent makes all of us to become the part takers of Jesus and and His footprints. Knowing our Lord is the gift of our faith journey. Let our strive towards the desire of receiving our Lord on the day of coming may come true. We make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.











                                                                              PRAYER SERVICE—— PEACE
advent 203


We the people of God, have come together to part take in the second week of Advent prayer service. With immense gratitude in our hearts come let us thank and praise the Lord almighty for His marvelous intervention in our life journey.  He had blessed us with another week of Advent where you and me able to spiritually prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus. Mother Mary very instrumentally played a role of making herself worthy enough to give shape to God’s plan and purpose. Her profound concurrence for the Word of God made her to be the model for all of us. From time immemorial she is the hope for all of us on the way to salvation. Therefore let us venerate her with the angelic word as we sing


Jesus our divine light,  we wish to illumine ourselves in order to spread peace on this earth. You have promised us that  we too can radiate the same love, peace and harmony in our midst by allowing ourselves to lit by your divine light.  Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about the Christmas season in a new way. The second week of Advent takes us from thinking about hope to a related idea – peace – something we all need to think more about. Today, the Second Sunday of Advent we light the second candle, which is the symbol of PEACE. The candle’s name has its origins in the prophet Micah who prophesied Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. It is referred to as the Bethlehem Candle. As we light the candle of peace, let us commit all the people who all long to cherish Mental and Psychological peace and sing the hymn which was sung by St. Francis Assisi. I invite ————–to light the candle.

HYMN:                  Make me a channel of your peace

During this second week of Advent we are called to become the people of peace which was promised by our Lord. Recalling his promise and our fragile nature of going against of his word let us pray this psalm together.

Ps: 85: 9 -14

Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and grant us your salvation. Help us to listen to John the Baptist as he cried in the wilderness ” Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”. We are called to not only prepare ourselves for his coming but also to prepare the way for the Lord, the way which leads to the redemption of the souls, the way which opens the room for fraternity, the way which opens up new possibilities, the way which creates new chances and the way which excels in peace. Let us literally pay heed to the cry of John the Baptist through this  gospel passage.

READING:                                            Mark 1:1-8

Second week of advent signifies that the Lord of peace will be born in this universe in and through me. In what way do we need to prepare ourselves? Does the peace which Jesus promised prevail in me?


Expressing our desire of preparation in a worthy manner and welcoming our Lord let us sing

HYMN:      Maranatha

Let our response be God of peace hear our prayer

1.                  Divine master, you being the Lord of the universe we adore you for your bountiful blessings. Help all the leaders of our Church and Nation to work for the welfare of the people in need of unity and loyalty. Make them to collaborate with the  people for their upliftment. Hear we pray—

2.                     God of life and love, we praise you for your mere presence amidst us. We remember and pray for all the people affected with natural calamity. Inspire the people to come forward to extend their support to these needy people. Stir up the society with your great understanding so that they may willingly serve the poor. Hear we pray——

3.                     Magnificent God, we love you for your manifold blessings and your abundant graces. We pray for all the people hoping to celebrate Christmas in a grand manner. May your spirit to enkindle them through which they may  take effective steps to give meaning for your son’s birth. Hear we pray——-

4.                     God the lover of peace, we bless you for this time of being present in your loving sanctuary. We pray for all the people striving for peace in the families, peace in the nation and peace in the planet. Mold everyone to give their ego, selfishness and individualism in order to create their families, nation and planet into a place of peace where your mere presence is experienced and enjoyed. Hear we pray—

Summing up all our prayers let us call upon the name of the Lord as we pray

Our father——-


Heavenly father, graciously accept everyone and our prayers. Open up a pathway in our midst so that your son may find a place in us. Eradicate the attitude of stubbornness from us so that we may be ever ready to change ourselves. Help us all to become the peacemakers through we and others may enjoy the assurance of peace. This we ask through Christ our Lord.