Short story


                                                   WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BECOME?
                               One fine evening , a father and his son of five years old went out. The father loved his son very much. He had a desire to bring up his son as a great man. He felt like sharing to his son today. He started narrating, my dear son , look at the mountain. Dream to the height of the mountain so that you can become a leader of this universe. Wish to the depth of the sea, so that you can accumulate tremendous knowledge. Desire to the width of the sky, so that you can enjoy the enormous wealth.
                              Father was so excited by looking at his son smiling and staring. He asked his son, my dear child, what do you want to become?

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                              The son replied, dear dad , I have a dream to be a child and I want to live  like a child. So that I can have a privilege to be your son,  my beloved dad.

                                                           What do you want to become ?

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