What is our purpose in life?”
What if I say that we have fulfilled it when we took an extra hour to talk to that kid or that old neighbour? Or when we paid for that young couple in the restaurant? Or when we saved that little puppy in the traffic? Or when tied our father’s shoe laces for him?

Our problem is that we equate our purpose with goal-based achievement. The Universe isn’t interested in our achievements but just our hearts. When we choose to act out of kindness, compassion and love, we are already aligned with our true purpose. There is no need to look any further! Maybe in the end, it doesn’t matter what we have achieved, What we owned or how we looked. Maybe all that matters is how kind, passionate, and loving we have been to ourselves and others. The foundation of a strong self comes from small acts of kindness and love. God doesn’t give us the people we want. He gives us the people we need.

God provides enough strength to bear one another. He gives that spirit to understand them. Oue purpose is to live and let live.

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