Out of the box

                                                            OUT OF THE BOX  

            Time says work out of the box ;                    Life says live out of the box.
            Nature says breathe out of the box ;             River says run out of the box.
            Sky says think out of the box ;                       Rainbow says visit out of the box.
            Tree says view out of the box ;                       Rain says fall out of the box.
                    Fruit says taste out of the box ;                     Seed says grow out of the box.
                    Sand says look out of the box ;                      Wood says prune out of the box. 
                    Lion says hunt out of the box ;                       Eagle says fly out of the box.
                    Music says tune out of the box ;                     Child says love out of the box.
             Father says give out of the box ;                   Mother says value out of the box.
             Friend says loose out of the box ;                  Enemy says meet out of the box.
             Success says win out of the box ;                   Talent says knock out of the box.
             Failure says search out of the box ;               Mistake says see out of the box.  
                    Past says forgive out of the box ;                       Future says dream out of the box.             

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                                   Are you ready to experiment OUT OF THE BOX?
                                          Out of the box is nothing but to create your thoughts constructively. Commit to work with passion. Be firm in your conviction. Ready to find something new and aptly renewing. Be willing to clear the old track which is outdated. Reconstruct the new track with zeal and enthusiasm. Reform yourself to renew the face of the earth.

                                          Out of the box is nothing but to open a new door to integrate your insights with the reality. It is to enjoy holistic health, where truth will make you free. Either you challenge yourself or the society, you are going to flourish in fulfilling your goal. You will cherish the beauty of complete transformation, which will lead you to take radical decisions.       
                                                        BE OUT OF THE BOX

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