MIRACLES HAPPEN

                                   IMG 20200327 WA0008
              People call you by name,  you are someone remembered in the world. Superb!!
              People refer you by your service,  you are very special in this society. Awesome!!!
              People treat you with your kind gesture, you are phenomenal. Fabulous!!!
                        People find you talented, you are an epitome in the midst of situations. Fantabulous!!!
                        People know you by your strength,  you are worthy of creative works. Excellent!!!
                        People love you for being resourceful, you mean a lot. Fantastic!!!
              People flourish in your generosity,  you are the most wanted person. Super!!!
              People long to listen to you,  you are truly a legendary. Wow!!!
              People wait to meet you, you are truly a master piece. Marvelous!!!

                                BELIEVE ME MIRACLES HAPPEN IN AND THROUGH YOU                 

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