Have a faithful day

                                                     HAVE A FAITHFUL DAY

                                 When some says , I have a great faith in you we instantly want to fulfill their need. Not necessary that we must know their needs well in advance. Their words  with deep faith on us move our hearts.

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                              Yes, this day is welcoming us with the words ‘I HAVE A GREAT FAITH IN YOU’.  Don’t our hearts trigger? We immediately want to fulfill its need. As we proceed with our daily tasks let us not forget that faith is trusting God even when we don’t understand His plan. Because we may be filled with unanswerable questions, in the course of day. Let us never ever give up. As we know the meaning of faith and the reason, we too know to live this day to its highest. When this day can have faith in you, who can put you down? Make yourself worthy of great faith.

                                                 Have a faithful day ahead!

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