
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

 Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong 

R u strong enough to live your life?

Let’s go for a ride of life test.

Can you admit your mistakes?

Is it easy for you to forgive?

Do you find easy to mingle with the people of different opinions?

Would you like to meet the person again who did hurt you so badly?

Are you a good listener?

Can you give a warm hug to a person with whom you feel awkward?

If you answer ‘ YES’ for all the questions then you are simply amazing.

You are truly strong enough.

If not, then you need to work on it to become more stronger.

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Feel good about yourself. Try to accept that your weakness is so strongly prevailing in you.

Indulge in boosting yourself to get rid of your weakness like chanting positive mantras

* I am good    **I can forgive    ***I can handle the situation because it is I who created it.

**** I create healthy atmosphere   *****  I love to see the people smiling

****** I have the solution for my issues     ******* I love my life     ******* I’m blessed


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