FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU

IMG 20191003 WA0017

                                                    We have started our day with full of hope that God’s grace is sufficient for us. Yes, divine strength is enough for us. His enormous support which envelops us in the time of famine will enable us to stay at peace. His miraculous power is magical. It is poured on all who long for it. Stay at home and seek Him. Remain alone and thirst for Him.
                                                    Friends, our hearts are troubled, minds are confused and souls are distressed. From where can I get peace, serenity and tranquility is the question around the world. Be in solitude and you will simply be filled with the answer, the answer which your heart was yearning for.
                                                         Let us not mourn but yearn for the Lord.
                                                         Let us not cry but try to be with our inner self.
                                                    Yes, the Lord says fear not; for I am with you.

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