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IMG 20190926 WA0017 1


                                                            EMOTIONAL   VICTORY

IMG 20190926 WA0017 1

                            Victory is a an ordinary word which demands an extraordinary sacrifice. Victory is cherished in all walks of our life journey. But the prime and first victory we all need to imbibe is the emotional victory. Why so?

                            It is just because our life is designed by our thoughts and our thoughts are executed by our emotions. Emotions play a significant role in the journey of  human life. In fact, they redesign every moment of our stay on this earth.

                            OK then, how to win over our emotions ? I can hear your query. Please hold on for a while. Follow these guidelines with an attitude of embracing your life with all sorts of emotions.


                            Yes, value your emotions to the highest level of positivity as it will help you to come to the awareness of your standard of thinking. Try to talk to your emotions about its value not of its consequences. Spare time to write down.


                            Yes, vacate your emotions with the blessings of filling it with your choice as it will create a room for reformation. May your reformation be consistent as it is going to bear fruits of happiness, happiness in abundance. Spare time to give a symbolic drawing.


                            Yes, venerate your choosy emotion with the great understanding of winning over the previous one. May it occupy the entire area of your thought provoking space and heart triggering context.

                            Let us start implementing right now. Never be tired of practicing the right thing on a right time and on a right day. I would be so grateful for your comments on this victory over emotions.

                                       Have a victorious thought,  word and deed.







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