PRAYER  SERVICE  ON  EASTER  DAY


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        [ Procession with candles. Each candle is decorated with a letter. PEACE BE WITH YOU. Total 14 candles or only 5 with PEACE ] 

Peace I give you, let there be peace shared among you. Hearty welcome to everyone to this meaningful Easter prayer service.

                                      We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter joy. Christ is risen, risen in our lives.

                                      We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter peace. Christ is risen, risen in our lives.

                                      We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter happiness. Christ is risen, risen in our lives.

                                      We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter glory. Christ is risen, risen in our lives. 

                                      With our hearts filled with excitement and gratitude for our Lord who is risen and mightily present amidst us, let us hold the lighted  Easter candles with the word peace be with you [ Or PEACE ]. We are privileged to commomorate this wonderful event on this day. The Lord who suffered very personally for you and me brought meaning through his resurrection. Our mere presence to part take in this prayer service shows that we too are the messengers of Christ and his resurrection. As we had been traveling for the past 40 days, witnessing his passion and death, let us take courage to proclaim to the whole world that we are an Easter people.  Come let us all move towards the chapel with the lighted candles in procession as we join in this singing


The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Let the family of Israel say: God’s love has no end.

Let the family of Aaron say: God’s love has no end.

And let all who fear God say: His love is without end. Alleluia.

                                    The awaited day has come, a day with full of hope, with full of joy and a day with full of  glory. The Lord is our Savior and shepherd. He knows his own and he leads us to life alleluia. Being filled with his divinely graces on this Easter day let us place all the candles on the rangoli.


                                          Mary is the greatest icon who played a vital role in the life of Jesus especially during his journey towards Jerusalem. She herself underwent enormous pain and agony as she said YES to the Lord. Her perennial love for the Lord made her to be consistently faithful to her YES. She not only accompanied Jesus on the way to Calvary , but also happily journied with the disciples. She took initiative to bring the disciples who were frightened, shocked and scattered together at the upper room. She rendered her service despite of her loss and tragedy. We can proudly declare that mother Mary contributed a significant role in the salvation history. Her adorable presence itself was a strength and her admirable serenity was an eye opener. It led a remarkable path and thereby disciples could cherish a new life. Yes, good news, good news with Jesus we have risen, death shall reign no more, alleluia. Mother Mary’s magnanimous service is truly venerable. Come let us all praise her by crowning, garlanding, placing sandal and performing arathi and sing a hymn for her.


It is very apt and fitting to nourish the graces of this Easter. Let us adorn the holy sanctuary as we immerse in the divine love of resurrected Jesus. [ Following things are already placed ]


Easter comes with the blessings in abundance. Our Lord Jesus is risen, therefore we become blessed. His commitment to the love of  Abba Father and his ardent relationship with Him made him to overcome death. Our aspiration is to bless the water. Let us all stretch out our hands towards water and send positive vibes. [ Soft music is played]


God of all holiness, we thank you for giving us life through water. Your consistency in blessing us is marvelous. We plead you to bless the water on this earth through which we the living beings can flourish in life. As the water on this universe is perishing, kindly bless it . May all the sources of water regain its flow. May all the people who starve for a glass of water be blessed during this Easter season.  May the water remain pure and clean so that we may have a healthy life.


Easter comes with peace in abundance. Loving Jesus, you promised peace for each one of us. Your zeal to bring God’s kingdom pushed you to fulfill God’s will. Let us seek the blessings of God to shower peace on this earth. Let us all stretch out our hands towards soil and share positive vibes. [soft music is played]


God of all surprises, we praise you for your amazing graces on this earth. Your faithfulness in accomplishing God’s plan is something so great and unimaginable. It gives loads of confidence here on this earth to live a meaningful life. We kindly implore you to grant peace on this universe specially where there is very urgently in need of. Do shower your powerful peace upon the people of Ukraine . May this earth enjoy that peace which you promised. May all of us dwell in your heavenly peace right here and now.


Easter comes with joy in abundance. Our Lord is risen and he brings the assurance of his presence till the end of time. His ardent and authentic tasks to bring God’s kingdom here and now is extremely adorable. Let us seek the blessings of God to shower joy on this planet. Let us all stretch out our hands towards sapling and bless it. [ soft music is played ]


God the wonderful creator of all of us, we honor you for your uniqueness in creating every living creature. You breathed your spirit on us and therefore we are able to withstand in every situation. Thank you for the air we breathe on this earth. Pleading you to pour Easter joy upon this sapling so that we all will be given the great chances of breathing in a healthy manner. Let your Easter joy erase the air pollution from this universe and let every living being breathe the fresh air. Do bless the greenery with sufficient energy in order to live a happy life.


New life, new life

You came to bring us new life

New life, new life

We find such joy in your abundant life.

Today we are born anew. With Jesus everything is made new and pure. He is the source of all newness and its richness. Enjoying the phenomenal stature of Resurrected Jesus, let us promise him to lead a new life with full zeal and vigour as he is with us till the end o time. Symbolizing our commitment let us continue with this offering.


The apostles, disciples, Mother Mary and other women saw Jesus on the day of resurrection and after that too while he was travelling along with them. Their eyes were opened as they were touched by his very words, his encounter and by his mere presence. They lost their old sight of looking at everything with closed hearts and received their new sight. They received  new sights of looking at everything and everyone with new hope, new understanding, new promises and new vision. 

As we offer this organ of sight [ eyes ] let us elevate our hearts in praying to our Lord to enkindle our eyes through which we may see everything with the eyes of Resurrected Jesus. Let this Easter bring new sight to our eyes through which we may become the trustworthy servants of our Lord. May our eyes carry the love of our Lord. May it radiate enlightened message to this world. We shall offer the symbolic offertory.


Christ is risen, yes he is risen alleluia. The life giving and life changing  message was heard by the apostles, disciples, Mother Mary and other women. Their ears were truly kept receptive to receive only the word of God. They were eagerly paying heed to God’s silently expressed words. The new hearing led them to manifest new meaning to their lives and the life of others too. The new hearing transformed them totally.

As we offer this organ of hearing [ ears ], let us seek the strong support of our Lord to hear not only what is best but also what is good for the welfare of this universe. Let our hearing become new and original. May it bear truthfulness and sincerity through which let it guide our steps towards serene life. The resurrected Jesus speak through our ears and may this cosmic listen from our ears. We shall offer the symbolic offertory.


Resurrected Jesus manifested himself to the apostles, disciples, Mother Mary and other women  interacted with them. His message triggered their hearts and left  remarkable answers for all their queries. Resurrected Jesus paved a path for enlightenment. The new profession of assurance by Jesus himself was a great learning for them. The new speaking made them ensured of their new life with innovative yet with strong convictions.

As we offer this organ of speech [mouth ], we implore your blessings to utter the words which are fruitful and determined. May our words bear messages, the messages of love and light. Let our every word spread on this entire world  and transmit its nature of safeguarding one another’s dignity. With every word we whisper here and now, we may create an ocean of hope. We shall offer this symbolic humble offertory.


Holy hands of Jesus empowered everyone whoever came in contact with him. His divine touch atoned a spirit of new journey with powerful impact. It led them to start their journey with vigour and made them to become mission oriented. His hands were the supporting and comforting for all those who lost their urge to continue their lives. The holy touch of the Lord made unimaginable opportunities for new beginning. Great indeed are Jesus’ works through which we cherish healing and nourish good health.

As we offer this organ of holy touch [hands], we intensely and earnestly ask you to hold our hands. Let our hands feel the spirit of your nearness and may it not be detached from that oneness with you. Bless our hands to carry out your miraculous healing service to every nook and corner. Hands which carry kindness in it are the revelation of resurrected Jesus. The outstanding gesture of the hands are the touch of the human beings with harmless intentions. We shall submit this symbolic adorable offertory.


Jesus after resurrection walked and walked to interact with his disciples, apostles and other people. His footsteps were the cause of genuine living. His magical lifestyle was contagious and made everyone to become vibrant with the conviction of venturing a new life, a life to live for Jesus’ dream. The legs which cross the miles with the aspiration of reaching the height of their leader unsolicitedly are holy and magnificent. Blessed are the people who walk in the way of Resurrected Jesus.

As we offer this organ of walking [legs], we wholeheartedly pray to the Lord to give us the strength to walk in the way which will add extraordinary efforts to complete Jesus’ salvific plan. Bless us all in abundance to walk a bit as the people immersed in God’s divine touch. May our legs walk towards the path where we find true joy within ourselves and around us. May our legs leave the path as well where others too find enough comfort and consolation. We shall offer this symbolic surrendering.  


Peace be with you was the promising message to you and me left by Resurrected Jesus. As we humbly accept the peace imparted by him, may we also plead him to empower us to hold it lifelong. Let our meticulous efforts make us to become invincible bearer and sharer of this peace. Desiring for this message of Christ to come true amidst us let us all go forward and collect it personally.

( Picture of a sprouted seed or chick comes out of an egg )


We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter journey. Yes, Christ our Lord is risen.

We are an Eater people, ours is an Easter search. Yes, Christ our Lord is amidst us.

We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter growth. Yes, Christ our Lord strengthens us. Amen.






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