COUNT YOUR IMPACT

                                                   Count your impact. Don’t count your income. Income will add temporary pleasure. Impact will add values which are permanent and perennial.

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                                                 Your every thought can be the cause of impact in someone’s life who is so close to you. Your every word can make a vast difference in the world. Your every act can stimulate tremendous change in the lives of people.
                                                  Occupy your space on this earth. Yes, count the impact not the income. Start generating valuable words and inspirational deeds. Let your stay on this planet become outstanding and magnanimous. Know your value by counting the impact you created at the end of this day.
                                                   I —             inspirational act through
                                                  M—            mastering your mind and
                                                  P —            peace making journey.
                                                  A —             aspire to lead a legendery life through
                                                  C —             constructive communication and
                                                  T —             trustworthy service.


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