CIRCLE OF CONCERN

We love to have a circle of books around us.
We desire to have a circle of people around us.
We aspire to have a circle of friends around us.

                                  We strive to have a circle of wealth around us.
           And the list of circle goes on..….

When we long to have a circle of …….let us try for the circle of concern not of influence.
When we worry to have a circle of ….let us try for the circle of concern not of influence.
When we die to have a circle of ………let us try for the circle of concern not of influence.
   What  is the circle of concern?

                         The circle which surrounds you out of great concern about you. It loves to see you grow, growing towards inner purity. It likes to see you glow, glowing towards transformation. It strengthens you when you want rise up. This circle is phenomenal yet perpetual.
   What is the circle of influence?
                         The circle which tries to influence towards their interest, their ambitions, their success, their future and their happiness. This circle looks beautiful yet peripheral.
                            REMAIN BLESSED AMIDST THE CIRCLE OF CONCERN                  
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