merry christmas








Christmas 4



[ We go in procession holding flowers, arathi plate, crown, garland ]

Christmas is all about that night when God came down into this dark and sinful world to offer himself in the form of human being. We recall the words of St. Paul in his letter to Philippians states that though he was in the form of God, he emptied himself and took the form of human. How happy are we to remember this God gifted event in the year 2023. Jesus is the divine gift of God to this entire human race for all eternity. Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

Christmas is the time to commemorate God’s unconditional love.

Christmas is the time to exuberate God’s manifold blessings.

Christmas is the time to jubilate God’s powerful intervention.

Christmas is the time to magnify God’s choicest blessings.

Christmas is the time to glorify God’s unfathomable grace.

As the people filled with so much of joy, happiness  and togetherness let us all enter into the chapel and greet our Baby Jesus with the Gloria.

[Kindly place the things and perform arathi  while we sing]


Dear friends, we have assembled here to celebrate the birth of our magnanimous leader’s birth day. The tradition of preparing the Christmas crib with a manger began in Italy. Ever since, through the centuries, this custom of preparing crib has continued. During Christmas, all prepare the Christmas crib and decorate their surroundings. Thus, the great love of God for humanity is celebrated, and the birth of Jesus in the poorest living conditions is recalled. Today, we too are around the crib, to reflect upon the great love of Jesus has for us and his identification with the poor, downtrodden, neglected and under privileged in society. The birth of Jesus was a turning point in human history—God becoming human. God became like one of us so that we may become like God. Let us listen to this Gospel passage where the narrative of Jesus’ birth is described.

READING: Lk: 2:6-14

This Christmas is something very special for all of us as we witness his birth in our life time. Immanuel-God with us is a divine gift for us. His birth bring tremendous confidence and trust to live our life in an extraordinary manner. His arrival on this earth adds much more meaning to lead a life with values and virtues. His coming amidst us signifies that we can fulfill the plan of God. His humble visit to this earth enhances our joy to sacrifice for the wellness of others. With the festive mood let us sing—


[Decorated lamps are arranged and placed after each prayer] Let us sing only the chorus as a response after every prayer.


1. Lord, we thank you for the angel Gabriel who brought  good news to Mother Mary. Mary was blessed with the words of Angel to bear a son, who will be the redeemer and Xavier. Angel played a role of mediator between God and human. Thanking the phenomenal role played by angel Gabriel, let us offer the light and sing


2. Lord, we bless you for the simple people who had welcomed you in the inn for your Son’s birth. The world could enjoy the divine presence of Jesus and nourish his values. Since the people agreed to give the manger to Mother Mary and St. Joseph, they were able to transform their family into  a holy family. Thanking the profound role played by the inn keeper let us offer the light and sing


3. Lord, we honor you for the star which showed the way towards the manger. On the awaited time the star too obeyed the will of God and transmitted the message of God with us. It led the Shepherds to pay honor to the Lord of the universe. Their journey was undoubtful because of the light. They received the baby Jesus on behalf of us, the human race. Thanking the illuminated heavenly host shown the way  let us offer the light and sing


4. Lord, we love you for the shepherds who acknowledged your words and travelled in haste to gaze Baby Jesus. Their thirst to see the Lord was fulfilled in their efforts to journey together towards the holy manger. Their simple nature of giving meaning to God’s revelation made them to witness the Lord face to face. Thanking the shepherds for their marvelous contribution let us offer the light and sing


5. Lord, we bless you for all the creatures whose presence too manifested the birth of Jesus. They too venerated the Lord in humble adoration. Their involvement in praising the Lord is truly amazing and mesmerizing. Thanking all the creatures let us offer the light and sing




This particular passage welcomes the entire humanity to know the WORD among us. Word became flesh and dwelt among us. It truly enlightens us to know not only the birth of Jesus but also the divine intervention and human encounter. Word of God is the main source to know God, to understand Him and follow Him. Word of God is the light to our path and it is the way and hope for the future. It creates a fidelity between human and God. Today it is fitting to pay our homage to WORD OF GOD which came down on earth by performing arathi and singing a hymn


Let our response be

May the peace and joy of Christmas overflow in our midst.

a. God the almighty, we remember all the leaders of our world that they all may enjoy good health of body and soul through which they may able to serve the people in a righteous way. Fill them with the abundant blessings of your peace and joy of this Christmas.


b. Lord the divine healer, we commit all the sick and suffering at your divine feet. May the joy and peace of Christmas envelope them so that they may experience your divine healing. Embrace them with your compassionate mercy and consolation.


c. Prince of peace, we devout all the people of this planet wherever disputes and disharmony prevail. Ensure them with your peace and joy of Christmas by which they may come out those evil practices and feel the presence of You the prince of peace.


d. Master of eternal wisdom, we offer all the students who are preparing for various board exams. Encourage them with your joy and peace of Christmas so that they all truly get the spirit of hard labor and come up with bright results. Let the slow learners be filled with your motive force.


e. God of liberation, we pray for all the people imprisoned with various reasons. Empower them with the peace and joy of Christmas and thereby they may be liberated from all the chains which hurdle the spirit of liberation in them. May your miraculous touch be upon them.


With our hearts filled with profound joy and peace and wishing the entire universe for the same let us sing



Christmas is joy and Christmas is love.

Christmas is peace and Christmas is hope.

Christmas is mercy and Christmas is compassion.

Christmas is unity and Christmas is purity.

Christmas is justice and Christmas is honesty.

Feeling blessed with your divine presence as a child Lord, we express our heartfelt glorification to you. Help us Lord to abide with you during this season of Word among us. Let our hearts be moved with your manifold grace. We make this prayer in your sweet name. Amen.




























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