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I can perform myself very beautifully when it is dark.

I literally long for withstanding in an adverse situations.

I feel Okay when people don’t need me during daytime.

I am contented with my ability when I’m in use.

I keep charging my inability when I’m not in use.

My humble advice for you is to be a fine performer in your own way and do your best.


People say that I am very useful for them, but they neither come closer to me nor they talk to me.

I remain calm and composed.

People say that I am the only source of their life but they never feel worried when someone hurts or disturbs me.

I remain receptive and responsive.

People say that I add beauty to their environment but they never take any effort to protect my beauty.

I remain reflective and recollective.

My wise advice for you is to be a fine performer in your designed way and do your best.


For some people I’m so sweet but for some I am too bitter.

Some people treat me like a friend but some treat me like a foe.

Many people handle me like a glass and some handle like a grass.

Few people look at me like hopeful and few look at me like hopeless.

Honestly speaking I am what I am in all the above shared experiences.

My genuine advice for you is to be a fine performer in your created way and do your best.


May you enjoy your own way!!!! Do comment, follow and share.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

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I was blessed right in the morning with the visitation of my friend. We shook hands and she took me to a place of solitude. It truly made me serene and composed. She insisted me to  fill my lungs with pure air. It took at least ten minutes. It helped me to become rejuvenated. She asked about my today’s schedule and I started narrating. She signaled me to pause. I gazed at her . I was given something to read.


Life is wrapped with innumerable gifts. Some gifts are huge and some are too nano in size. Gifts may not be attractive in nature but those are promisingly valuable. Some gifts are so heavy with less importance where as some are light weighted with much valuables in it. You need to be prompt in unwrapping the gifts. Be vigilant and prudent in selection. Don’t be greedy in grabbing everything. Always remember, less luggage leads you towards a comfortable journey. Let your mind carry less luggage of life harming attitude.

I remained mute for a while and she shook me up. She created an aspiration in me to start up my day with positive vibes.


1.Believe in your God who is supremely compassionate towards you.

2.Trust in your abilities which are already designed for you.

3.Seek enough advice from wise people whenever required.

4.Be ready to change your mindset in order to embrace new possibilities.

5.Let your life be appreciated by your very own self.

I smiled at her and manifested my gratitude. She greeted me with beautiful blessings.


**Sense of gratitude makes your life adorable.

**Loving your inabilities opens up new hope.

**Give what you can till it hurts you.

**Make your smile genuine so that life will smile back to you.

**Don”t try to become superstars but try to become a star which will shine in the dark mode even.

She blessed me to carry out today’s task and promised me to visit everyday if I wish to meet and long for her. Would you like to know about my friend?

She is none other than WISDOM.


She is gentle, pure, impartial, non-selective and ever accompanying.

She is an epitome of virtues and profound in exploring values.

She likes to be in the company of people who wish to be truthful and faithful.

She admires my every effort towards my dreams come true.

She supports me wisely when I become weak.

She uplifts me spiritually and encourages me instantly.

She is the beacon of knowledge and an icon of hope.

She is delighted when I seek her.

Wish you too have a friend of mine, none other than WISDOM.

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Prayer Service (Sep. 15th


A warm welcome to one and all gathered here for the feast of mother of sorrows. Let us carry the placards in our hands which symbolize the seven sorrows of Mary. Her sorrows depict her way of accepting, accompanying, seeking, empowering, collaborating, embracing and pondering.

She is gentle, and quiet in manner

She is gracious, kind and true.

She is willing and always ready

Far more than her part to do!

And through all her years of good doing

Though sacrifice plays a good part

She unsparingly gives to those round her

the love that is stored in her heart.

Her sweet loving service to others,

Though unwritten, unsung and untold,

Yet blessed her own life, through giving

with riches of grace manifold.

Her sorrows are our way of life. Come let us enter into this meaningful prayer service as we greet our mother Mary with a song. 

Song is played.

[Keep standing J.

It is a proud moment for all of us, where we witness the tremendous victory of Mother Mary through her sufferings by garlanding, crowning, placing Sandal, performing aarathi and sprinkling flowers as we join in singing angelus.

(Angelus is sung).

Please be seated.

Friends, innumerable are God’sblessings and bounty towards us. With grateful hearts we shall recount and be thankful to the living God for the blessings and graces each one of us has received. We thank God for the simple and ordinary things of life such as the smiles, laughter, joys and sorrows, difficulties and pain, the love of our ancestors, parents, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors. Everything is GIFT.

Our hearts overflow with gratitude and praise that God has chosen each one of us for himself. We thank Jesus for his unconditional love and friendship and for granting us an intimate knowledge of all the gifts that he shares with us.

Let us praise and thank God for having created the universe and all it contains: the earth and the sky, the stars, the sun and moon, the seas, rivers and oceans, mountains and hills.

For the gift of the Holy Spirit which is the source of all renewal, for the warmth we experience in times of

friendship, for the love that has brought us here together and for the joy that
fills all hearts united.


            The blessed virgin Mary embodies the very essence of Motherhood – humility, total adherence to the will of God , submission, self sacrifice and unconditional love. And Elizabeth ,filled with the holy spirit cried out in a loud voice and said most blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

Blessed be all mothers, who have come into our lives

whose kindness, care and love, remain with us to guide.

Your inspiration in us, made us strive in every way

especially to remember, helping others make our day.

Mothers, this little tribute, flows directly from our hearts

You are so loved and cherished , invaluable, one and all, you are.

 Come let us also experience the powerful intervention of the holy spirit and proclaim in one voice as we sing


Gospel reading:

Jn 19:25–27

            May the spirit of mother Mary who stood at the foot of the cross enable us to give meaning to our sufferings as we remain in silence for a while.

            Now let us venerate our blessed mother. After each prayer kindly offer the placard in the flower vase which is already set.


            Mother Mary’s acceptance of  the prophecy of Simeon is truly adorable. She accepted the words of the prophets as God’s words. Dear mother through your acceptance we pray for all the formees and youth of the world that they may all accept God’s words as life giving, life changing and  life lifting words. Praying for them let us offer this first sorrow of Mary’s acceptance.



        Mother Mary’s accompaniment towards Egypt is uncertain yet she believed in the tremendous power of the Lord. Her strong effort to save the child led her travel to an unknown circumstances. Dear mother through your accompaniment we pray for all the formators and leaders of this world that they may all accompany the youngsters and the needy. Through which let them reach the destiny of peace, unity, fraternity and harmony. Praying for them let us offer this second sorrow of Mary’s accompaniment.



        The experience of seeking her son who was lost in the temple made her completely broken. Even at this broken situation she took enough courage and ardent faith on God that He will never betray her. Dear mother through your seeking experience we pray for all the administrative members of the mother church that they  may be able to seek the lost. Let the return of the lost, testimony your protection and your saving guidance. Praying for them let us offer this third sorrow of Mary’s seeking.



Mary’s empowerment towards Jesus on the way to Calvary is unimaginable and unbelievable as well. She empowered him through her mere sight , mere presence and mere closeness. Dear mother through your empowering experience we pray for all the administrative members of our congregation that they may be strengthened enough to empower the downtrodden, neglected, unwanted and unnoticed. May their every effort to empower the powerless truly bear fruits in abundance. Praying for them we offer this fourth sorrow of Mary’s empowering.



        Mother Mary’s collaboration at the foot of the cross begins the new life of entire human race. Her untiring journey for the betterment of the humanity is immeasurable. Here she clearly understood the need of her constant support to each one of us on this earth.  Dear mother through your collaboration we pray for all who are engaged in various apostolate of education, healing, social work and pastoral work that they may collaborate very willingly in order to do a better service to the humanity. Praying for them let us offer this fifth sorrow of Mary’s collaborating.



        Mother Mary’s embracing scene of her son literally makes everyone to weep, mourn and cry. [PAUSE].Her heroic role is vividly seen here. She not only lost her beloved son but the divine son. Yet her serene heart was able to imbibe the true meaning of this sorrow. Dear mother through your embracing we pray for all who have lost their loved ones. May they be touched by our Lord in order to regain their strength in return. Praying for them let us offer this sixth sorrow of Mary’s embracing.



     Right from day one of her journey Mother Mary pondered everything in her heart. Now again she is mute mode to express herself after the burial of her only beloved son. Dear mother, through your pondering we pray for all the women, parents, broken families, wounded people and crying humanity who deeply ponder upon their sufferings in silence. May your intercessory blessings be upon them. Praying for them let us offer this seventh sorrow of Mary’s pondering



        We solemnly celebrate the spiritual martyrdom of Mother of sorrows whose life was a complete package of ups and downs. But she gave new birth to every suffering. Today we draw new aspirations and insights about sorrows and sufferings. May the sorrows of Mary pave a way of new beginning. May her pondering moments energize our every cell. May her compassionate spirit console us. May her guiding spirit accompany us. May her unfailing faith empower us. May her words of silence become our vibrant deeds. May her faith and encouragement lead us to the path of eternity. May her serene heart intercede for us. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.






                                                GRATEFUL WITH GRACEFUL 💓💓💓




The moment you read this message

Remember God gratefully.

The moment people unable to read your mind

Remember God gracefully.

The moment you cherish your life

Speak to God gratefully.

The moment your life perishes

Speak to God gracefully.

The moment you enjoy the company of your friends

Think of God gratefully.

The moment you find difficult to get along

Think of God gracefully.

The moment you nourish your health

Pray to  God gratefully.

The moment you loose your health

Pray to God gracefully.

The moment you explore your hope

Adore God gratefully.

The moment you suppress your hope

Adore God gracefully.

The moment you manage your time remarkably

Thank God gratefully.

The moment your time doesn’t work remarkably

Thank God gracefully.

The moment you create an ambience in your surroundings

Spare time for God gratefully.

The moment people make a mess around you

Spare time for God gracefully.





























                                                            EMOTIONAL   VICTORY

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                            Victory is a an ordinary word which demands an extraordinary sacrifice. Victory is cherished in all walks of our life journey. But the prime and first victory we all need to imbibe is the emotional victory. Why so?

                            It is just because our life is designed by our thoughts and our thoughts are executed by our emotions. Emotions play a significant role in the journey of  human life. In fact, they redesign every moment of our stay on this earth.

                            OK then, how to win over our emotions ? I can hear your query. Please hold on for a while. Follow these guidelines with an attitude of embracing your life with all sorts of emotions.


                            Yes, value your emotions to the highest level of positivity as it will help you to come to the awareness of your standard of thinking. Try to talk to your emotions about its value not of its consequences. Spare time to write down.


                            Yes, vacate your emotions with the blessings of filling it with your choice as it will create a room for reformation. May your reformation be consistent as it is going to bear fruits of happiness, happiness in abundance. Spare time to give a symbolic drawing.


                            Yes, venerate your choosy emotion with the great understanding of winning over the previous one. May it occupy the entire area of your thought provoking space and heart triggering context.

                            Let us start implementing right now. Never be tired of practicing the right thing on a right time and on a right day. I would be so grateful for your comments on this victory over emotions.

                                       Have a victorious thought,  word and deed.