Be strong enough

                                                        BE  STRONG  ENOUGH

IMG 20191206 WA0011

                                Be strong enough is an unique challenge for me and you. It challenges not to be strong physically, mentally and psychologically. Rather it challenges to be strong spiritually.
                                A person may follow different religions but the faith which unites him with the world is spirituality. Allow me to take you to see the other phase of life.

              I believe that I’m strong when I feel worthy of myself  in the midst of difficulties..                                I believe that I’m strong when I walk away from what is not good for me.
              I believe that I’m strong when I move away from the things which disfigure my personality.                I believe that I’m strong when I reject to respond people who are not genuine.
              I believe that I’m strong when I patiently wait for the chances to improve myself.

                         A person is very strong when he stands for his own values and respect his                                          identity.  Thereby he becomes spiritually strong to embrace this world 
                                with positive aspirations.
                                                    BE STRONG ENOUGH.


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