Advent III week prayer

                                            PRAYER FOR  THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT

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                                We are blessed to enter into this third week of advent. We have been travelling with our mother church in the preparation of our Lord’s coming. The hope we had received during the first week of advent, the love we had experienced during the second week of advent are going to be strengthened during this third week.
                                Third week of advent which is known as Guadete Sunday is another expression of God’s love. Because God wants us to live our life happily. The love of our Lord is the driving force of our journey on this earth. Venerating this unconditional love of God, the benevolent life giver we join in this Bhajan.

                                Light is the promise of God, the creator of divine light. God himself is light and He wants us to be in the light. In fact He tells us that we are the light of the world. Where there is light there is no fear. Where there is light there is no doubt. We too are invited to enjoy this third week of advent by being present in the light. Added to that let us develop the hope of radiating light, the light which enables everyone to walk without confusions.
                                Third week of advent highlights the gift of joy which was brought by baby Jesus. Joy to the world was the message given to this world. As the people filled with God’s joy during this  advent season let us light up the third candle which symbolizes  joy within and joy around us.

                                 Psalm 146  .         Let our response be Rejoice in the Lord.

                                 As every day in advent is the day of preparation, let us feel glad to spend a while in reflection. The message of joy to the world was brought to the people who were very simple in heart. Their readiness to receive our Lord was impressive. Their constant effort to wait for the Lord with humble hearts and truthful service made them to become worthy of receiving our Lord and His message. As there were many awaiting for His arrival it was the simple people chosen to be the instruments of God’s message. Let us also check ourselves that are we worthy enough to receive our Lord or are we truly preparing ourselves to celebrate His birthday?
                                 Dear loving Jesus the admirer of human race, we thank and praise you for your mere presence in the midst of us. We venerate you for your amicable encouragement in the time of distress. We love you for counting us worthy to be numbered in the list of your beloved people. Here we express our thanks through this hymn.
                                 Gospel reading Mt:11:2-11  Jesus clearly expresses himself in the gospel as a person who heals, who cares, who understands, who purifies, who forgives, who appreciates and who loves. As he proclaimed the zealous involvement of John the Baptist, he did not deny the fact that we too can become his docile instruments. Praying for each one of us personally, for every member in our mother church, every member of our congregation and all those who are in need of divine blessings let us join in our Lord’s prayer.                   
                                 Dear loving Lord, we thank you for your affectionate presence in our midst. Help us to remain faithful for your love and the call we have received. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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