IMMENSE  WORTH

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Your eye
is an immense worth on this earth. See the miracle of God at every situation.
             Your hand
              is an immense worth on this earth. Extend your support to the needy.
Your heart
is an immense worth on this earth. Transmit only love to the downtrodden.
            Your face
            is an immense worth on this earth. Radiate a contagious smile to all.
Your leg
is an immense worth on this earth. Walk towards eternal bliss.
           Your ear
           is an immense worth on this earth. Listen with patience and without preoccupation.
Immense worth are hidden in you. Utilize them in an efficient way to envelope yourself with
Immense pleasure,
Immense joy,
Immense happiness,
Immense tranquility,
Immense peace,
Immense love.

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