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                                        Every situation is the same. The way you respond to the situation creates an impact to the situation. 

                                   When you accept the situation                               — you are humble.

                                   When you act according to the situation               —  you are simple.

                                   When you react to the situation                             —  you are stubborn.

                                   When you understand the situation                       —  you are prudent.

                                   When you face the situation                                  —  you are strong.

                                   When you manage the situation                             — you are capable.

                                   When you love the situation                                  — you are human.

                                   When you hate the situation                                  — you are inhuman.

                                   When you know the situation                                — you are vigilant.

                    When you spiritually surrender yourself to every situation YOU ARE DIVINE. 




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