About Me


Sr.Saluja OSM  is an experienced and dedicated sister of Servite Congregation .A self-directed, action-oriented professional/Person with over 20 year’s experience in education and community service

She is a Post Graduate (MSc), (B Ed) She has completed M.Phil in biotechnology .Thereafter she also completed  M.Ed.

She is proud to serve the society when she commenced her service as a Principal from Damoh from 2002-2005 . She has been serving as the Principal of many CBSE,ICSE and State (M.P,West Bengal, Maharashtra,Andhra Pradesh and Orissa)Board Schools  – a Senior Secondary CBSE Affiliated School since 2002.It has been a successful journey of 18years .Now it is the 19th year serving the society as a principal of many reputed schools.Recently,She is the Principal of Servite Convent Sr.Sec.School,Narmadapuram(M.P),affiliated to CBSE..She has worked as the Centre Superintendent and Examiner and Observer for CBSE Board Examinations and other Government Examination.

She is the counsellor of Education of Maryamandal region,Bhopal.She is one of the executive committee members of the catechism committee of Bhopal Diocese.

Her utmost faith in God and passion for prayer brings her closer to the need of the society.

She has a strong commitment to God.

She  is an enthusiastic and approachable person who is passionate about helping people in need and providing emotional support.

Beyond the boundaries,she has a great inclination for writing poems,stories and motivational articles.

She  is a self- person with a firm set of beliefs, ideas and values.

Sr.Saluja OSM

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Sr. Saluja is an extremely skillful writer who thirsts to get the attention of people to have self realisation in order to live happily. I appreciate her great work to reach through her words as I too am one of her admirers. Her writings on many topics have changed the way I look at my life. The articles she writes always surprise me as they motivate others. Sr. Saluja, I hope you will keep writing to communicate with others to strengthen them both spiritually and mentally. May God bless your good efforts to influence others to lead a peaceful life.
Sr. Hilda OSM
With your words you weild the power to plant the seeds of living your life and loving your life Sr.Saluja is a very inspiring, persuasive and an amazing writer. Her effortless thought provoking flow of ideas hit the nerves at times. Her blog is an ultimate destination for revatilising your attitude towards your life. Her simplicity in writing reaches to the heart of the mass too. I can 100% recommend her as an inspiring blog writer.
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